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Regular Council Meeting <br />October 14, 2013 <br />Page 9 <br />Mayor Hashmi recessed City Council at 6:55 p.m. and reconvened City Council into <br />open session at 7:05 p.m. <br />City Council heard from Don D'Adam of AECOM , along with Holland Harper from <br />HWH and Reeves Hayter from Hayter Engineering. Mr. D'Adam and City Council discussed <br />the timeframe for beginning and completion of the engineering design, the organizational chart <br />of the company, use of local contractors, and the trenchless procedure. <br />Next Council heard from Paul Carline of Kimberly -Horn and Associates. Mr. Carline <br />and City Council discussed the company size, use of local contractors, the trenchless procedure <br />and timeframe for beginning and completion of the work. In addition, he suggested the project <br />be approached as several phases and explained the benefits of phasing was contractor mix, <br />potential cost savings and would minimize impact on traffic. <br />Also, presenting were Doug Biglen and Sedi Tourmani from HDR. In addition to similar <br />discussion as with the other two companies, Mr. Biglen said teamwork was the key to success <br />and that if selected, HDR would open an office in Paris. <br />Mayor Hashmi recessed City Council at 8:52 p.m. and reconvened City Council into <br />open session at 8:55 p.m. <br />Chris Schmitt of Teague Nall & Perkins gave a presentation that included division of the <br />project into four quadrants, as well the project timeframe, company size, and the use of local <br />contractors. <br />After hearing the presentations, City Council discussed the companies and presentations. <br />Mayor Hashmi asked and received recommendations from City staff. Mr. Godwin said it would <br />be best to use two firms, because of the size of the project. <br />It was a consensus of City Council to review and study the information, and make their <br />selection at the special City Council meeting scheduled for Monday, October 21s'. A Motion to <br />table this item was made by Council Member Wright and seconded by Mayor Hashmi. Motion <br />carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />29. Discuss and act on updated list for city -wide infrastructure project(s). <br />Mr. Godwin explained that a list of projects had been developed primarily by field staff <br />and could be amended as needed. He said input was given from city staff, the CIP Advisory <br />committee and KSA Engineers on a more inclusive list of projects that would be addressed over <br />the next ten years. <br />A Motion to approve the updated list was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by <br />Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />