Survey # 03-041 SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS
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<br />Being 0.908 acres of land, a part of the Joseph Leach Survey No. 259, lying and being a
<br />part of Lot 2 of Block 347 of the City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas. Thc said Lot 2
<br />being a part of the property as described iu a Warranty Deed from J.C. Isom and wife
<br />Mary F. lsom to F.M. Lestcr, dated March 19, 1945 of record iu Volume 272 Page 504
<br />Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas. The said 0.908 acre casement being described by
<br />metes and bounds as follows:
<br />
<br />Standing at the Northeast comer of the said F.M. Lester tract and also at the Northeast
<br />comer o f a Warranty Deed from Victor W. Foster to F.M. Lester, dated May 30, 1966 of
<br />recorded in Volume 444 Page 88 Deed Records, Lanlar County, Texas, and in the South
<br />line ora Deed without Warranty from thc Missoun'i Pacific Railroad Company Io Tile
<br />Greater Paris Developmeut Foundation recorded iu Volume 638 Page 114 Deed
<br />Records, Lamar Couuty, Texas, a fence comer post, Go South 68°32'35'' West passing
<br />the Northwest comer of the F.M. Lester tract recorded in Volume 444 Page 88 Deed
<br />Records, Lamar County, Texas and the Northeast comer of the F.M. Lester the
<br />reolaiudcr ora tract described iu a Warranty Deed from J.C. lsom and wife Mary F. lsom
<br />to F.M. Lcstcr, dated March 19, 1945 of record ill Volume 272 Page 504 Deed Records,
<br />Lamar County, Texas City of Paris, at a distance of 150~50 and continuiug a total distance
<br />of 199.01 feet to a 1/2" set iron rod along a fcoce and also being 5 feet East of the West
<br />side of a 50 feet wide private road, for the Point of Beginning and the Northwest corner
<br />of this water line easement.
<br />
<br /> Thence: North 68032'35'' East xvith the North line of the F.M. Lester remainder tract of
<br /> record in Volume 272 Page 504 Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas of the City of
<br /> Paris, State of Texas, and in thc South line of The Greater Paris Developmcut
<br /> Foundation tract, a distance of 16.14 feet to a 1/2" set iron rod along a fence, for the
<br /> Nortlmmmost Northeast comer of this watcr linc casement.
<br />
<br /> Thence: South 00°10'22'' West leaving the North line of the F.M. Lester remainder tract
<br /> ofmcord iu Volume 272 Page 504 Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas of the City of
<br /> Paris, State of Texas, and the South line of The Greater Paris Development Foundation
<br /> tract, a distance of 5.38 feet to a I/2" set iron rod, for an inside comer of this water lille
<br /> easement.
<br />
<br /> Thence: Noah 68032'35'' East a distance of 32.27 to the East side ora 50 feet wide
<br /> private mad, and in the West side of the F.M. Lester tract recorded in Volume 444 Page
<br /> 88 Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas and the East line of the F.M. Lester remaindefi ~'
<br /> tract &record in,.Volume 272 Page 504 Deed Records, La nar Cou lty, Texas City of:
<br /> Paris, to a I/2" scl iron rod for thc most Easterly Northeast comer of this constructiou
<br />
<br /> Thence: South 00o10'22" West passing the Northeast comer of Lot 2 Block 347 and the
<br /> Northwest of Lot 1 Block 353 comer of the City of Paris, State of Texas, at a distance of
<br /> 192.46 and coutinuing a total distance of 898.22 feet along the East side ora 50 feet wide
<br /> private mad, aud the West line of the following adjoiners of Block 353 of the City of
<br /> Paris,Texas, F.M. Lester recorded in Volume 444 Page 88, Victor W. Foster Lot 2-A
<br /> recorded itl Volume 391 Page 22, Ernest Taylor Lots 2 and 1-D recorded io Volunle 650
<br /> Page 11 and in Volume 389 Page 116, James D. Hutchens Lot I-A recorded in Volume
<br /> 610 Page 580, Barney Bray Ill Lot I-B recorded in Volume 610 Page 797, Don Lester
<br /> Lots I and I-C of record in Volume 272 Page 504 Deed Records, Lamar County, Texas,
<br /> to a 1/2" set iron rod in the North Right-of-Way of State Highway 271, for the Souteast
<br /> Comer of this construction easement.
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