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City Council Water & Sewer Subcommittee <br />Feb. 18, 2003 <br />Page 10 <br /> <br />inadequate in overhead storage for fire protection for many years. He <br />concluded his answer by saying that you have accomplished energy savings as <br />well as having water available for fire protection needs. Mr. Campbell said that <br />at one time, depending on the situation, if the city lost power at the pumping <br />station downtown and it was at the low level at the tank where we operate, he <br />would have fifteen minutes to call every industry to shut them down before they <br />reached minimum fire protection level and that is totally inadequate for a city <br />this size. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Neeley asked what did transfers mean as shown on the <br />breakdown of budget costs. Mr. Anderson explained that these are expenses <br />paid for out of the General Fund that benefit the Water and Sewer Fund such <br />as management, legal, finance, computer system and engineering. Mr. Wilson <br />said that the Water and Sewer Fund is paying 1.1 million dollars in overhead <br />to the General Fund and wanted to know how that was allocated. Mr. <br />Anderson advised that number is looked at in the rate study each time. Mr. <br />Anderson explained that what the city anticipates doing in terms of the rate <br />study, they want the consultant to come down and talk to the City Council <br />about preliminary numbers. They want local industry brought in to look at the <br />rates as they apply to their company. The city wants to meet with big <br />industrial users as well, before thinking about finalizing anything. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Neeley stated that it is actually the purpose of this committee <br />to examine facts and exchange information - that the rate study does not just <br />appear with out any warning to everyone. She said that it was the intention of <br />the Mayor when he put the committee together that they could serve as a <br />conduit of information. Mr. Anderson felt that it was a profitable and a valid <br />way of doing it is to have industry input before it is finalized. If they have <br />questions, those questions get answered. <br /> <br />Chairman Plata asked Mr. Campbell to prepare a history of breakdown of <br />equipment and maintenance for all of his departments and have it available for <br />the next meeting of the committee. <br /> <br /> <br />