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Regular Council Meeting <br />October 28, 2013 <br />Page 4 <br />15. Discuss a possible personnel audit and provide direction to staff. <br />Council Member Wright said he made this request when Mr. Godwin first came to Paris. <br />He said the City had 325 budgeted employees and at the end of September had 17 people from <br />Hiring Partners and the amount of money paid plus benefits was Eighteen - Million, Fourteen <br />Thousand Seven - Hundred and Sixty -Six Dollars ($18,014,766.00), and he felt it was important <br />enough that they consider this as part of their budget making process and they did not. Mr. <br />Godwin direction was needed from the Council as to whether or not they wanted staff to issue a <br />request for proposals and if so, how much detail. Council Member Wright said the City had <br />some excellent employees, but there might be instances where some employees would be more <br />valuable in other positions. He suggested that someone outside be brought in to do the audit. <br />Council Member Grossnickle inquired of Mr. Godwin if he thought there was a lot of fluff. Mr. <br />Godwin said he had not seen a lot of fluff and in fact, staff was quite a bit smaller than in the <br />past. Council Member Wright asked Mr. Godwin if he had conducted a personnel audit. Mr. <br />Godwin said staff did begin a survey of other cities and not all of the information had been <br />analyzed. Council Member Grossnickle said he would like to conduct the audit in- house, because <br />of the $30,000 to $80,000 fee. He said if they were not sure they have adequate data, then they <br />could seek an outside audit. Council Members Frierson and Drake agreed with Council Member <br />Grossnickle. Council Member Wright questioned how one could be objective when performing <br />a self - evaluation. Mr. Godwin suggested that a couple of Council Members might want to work <br />with staff. It was a consensus for the personnel audit to be conducted in -house with Council <br />Members Wright and Frierson working with staff. <br />16. Receive presentation from Shawn Napier on MyGov Permitting Software. <br />Mr. Napier explained that staff began setting up software in September 2012 and <br />included modules of code enforcement, request tracker, permits and inspections and contractor <br />registration. He said that staff had been working with MyGov staff and hoped to have the <br />process completed by the end of the year. Mr. Napier said the cost was $2,000.00 per month <br />17. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />Mayor Hashmi asked Mr. Godwin to give the Council information about a recycling <br />program at the next Council meeting. <br />Mayor Hashmi referenced the upcoming holidays and said if it was okay with everyone, <br />that Council would not meet on November 25th and move their December meetings to December <br />2 nd and December 16th <br />