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Greenbelts <br />Greenbelts or greenbelt parkways are linear parks that are typically developed around a natural <br />resource such as a creek, river, utility easement or lake shore. Not only does a greenbelt system <br />preserve valuable open space and natural habitats, it ties the park systems' components together <br />to form a cohesive park environment. Greenbelt corridors of less than fifty (50) "useable" feet wide <br />should be avoided and narrow corridor sections kept to a minimum. One - hundred foot corridor <br />widths and wider give flexibility in design and are encouraged wherever possible. (Example - Trail <br />De Paris) <br />Natural Areas <br />Natural areas are spaces containing ecosystems in a non - disturbed state with minimal man -made <br />intrusions. Natural areas lend a certain aesthetic and functional diversity to a park network and <br />urban landscape. Although the benefits of natural areas are hard to quantify, they are numerous <br />and include preservation of wildlife habitats, opportunities for nature study and encourage <br />environmental health in the community. When flood plains are preserved as natural areas, they <br />offer a resource to aid in the protection from flooding. There are no national standards for natural <br />areas within a city due to the extreme variations found in natural resources from region to region. <br />(Example - Lake Crook Park) <br />Each park category serves a unique purpose: <br />• Pocket and ornamental parks enhance the visual image of the community and can provide a <br />minimal recreational amenity in older neighborhoods where park land was never acquired. <br />• Playground parks are typically small in size and provide a playground and lawn area. <br />• Neighborhood parks serve as a family- oriented gathering place for neighborhoods. <br />• Community parks provide a mix of active, passive and primitive recreational (hiking, camping, <br />horseback riding, etc) opportunities and lighted sports fields. <br />• Special use parks provide a specific venue and are devoted to one or two uses - typically sports. <br />• Greenbelts are natural areas usually containing a pedestrian trail that ties other park types <br />together. <br />• Natural areas provide a visual escape from the built environment and aid in preserving Paris' <br />ecosystem. <br />7 Cif of Paris Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan 2013 -2023 <br />Page 9 <br />