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City Council Water & Sewer Subcommittee <br />May 15, 2003 <br />Page 29 <br /> <br />you would not put a foot in that creek to a few years later where you wanted to <br />drink the water coming out of that creek. He said that it smelled good. Mr. <br />Steely said he watched the whole thing evolve from just a piece of junk to an <br />efficiently run, pretty nice plant that he would trust completely. Mr. Steely <br />stated that he disagreed with Mr. Malone a lot. He said that he has been <br />informed all these years and watched every budget since 1968. He also <br />watched the water plant be created in Commerce and he knows a little bit about <br />the creation of the plant. One of the things he agrees completely with Mr. <br />Malone is he hires people that are good. There is not one manager in this <br />whole group that he has hired that he wouldn't trust. Mr. Steely stated that he <br />did not believe that a City Council should micro-manage nor a School Board. <br />He said that when you get into micro-managing then you might as well fire the <br />guy. He said that Mr. Plata was trying to be a more of an expert than the guy <br />you hired and if he disappoints you that much, then you get to the point where <br />you budget strictly and then he operates off that budget. He said that to get into <br />micro-managing and start talking about shifts and people and how many <br />categories to work together is not what the City Council is designed to do. He <br />said it is designed to set policy and then you have the option of removing the <br />Manager if you do not like the way the policy is done. The City Manager has <br />the option of removing the Water Superintendent if he does not like they way <br />it is done. Mr. Steely said he watched it happen one day. He said that for <br />weeks and months, Mr. Campbell had a good time just messing around and <br />enjoying life and Mr. Malone walked up and took him away, but we have had <br />one heck ora nice operation and that he would bet on that Mr. Campbell needs <br />what he says needs. Mr. Steely said, to get into micro-management, he has <br />worked 12 hour shifts at Kimberly Clark and he has watched 6 people operate <br />a machine that should have had four on it. He watched the engineers <br />streamline the machine to where there is only four and eliminate those one or <br />two as you go down the line looking at the machine. Mr. Steely said he <br />watched people sleep at night on 12 hour shift and he had watched people get <br />hurt. He said that 12 hour shifts are terrible to him and in talking to J. Mac <br />Janes, who works and Kimberly Clark, there was not a guy on the floor over 50 <br />years old. He said that those shifts are not made for the normal work that takes <br />some decision making. He said the K/C machines are made to run like a <br /> <br /> <br />