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City Council Water & Sewer Subcommittee <br />May 15, 2003 <br />Page 38 <br /> <br />the day had saved the city a lot of money. <br /> <br />Charles Waldrum, Attorney for Tenaska, said that one thing that they did not <br />get to on the agenda was discussion of the privatization of the operation of the <br />water and sewer system. He said the only thing he wanted to say about that <br />was the Committee and Council needs to keep in mind that there are contracts <br />between the City of Paris and Tenaska along with several other entities, and <br />any sort of privatization needs to take into account the language in those <br />different contracts because they may not be compatible without some sort of <br />analysis. <br /> <br />Chairman Plata said what he wanted to say on the privatization, if <br />Councilwoman Neeley, and Councilman Weekly would go along with this, he <br />just today got the cities that did not renew the contract with this company and <br />he has contacted one city and it was not good. He stated that he really did not <br />want to take the position of recommending the privatization because he has not <br />talked to enough cities. Councilwoman Neeley said she thought they had sort <br />of moved that on to the whole City Council by having them make their <br />presentation to the Council this week. She said that the issue has moved <br />passed the committee on what they were going to recommend on that and <br />should be left to the whole Council. Chairman Plata said that would be left to <br />the whole Council, but they asked him if they were going to recommend it. He <br />said he did not know one way or the other at this point. Mr. Campbell asked <br />Chairman Plata if he had asked any citizens about that and what they think <br />about privatization. <br /> <br />Kelly Sanders with A-1 Sanitation, was present stating that they had been in <br />business since 1961 and have a good working relationship with the City of <br />Paris. He asked that someone talk to someone with TCEQ and gave the <br />committee a handout regarding privatization. Mr. Sanders said he talked to a <br />Mark Dixon at TCEQ this morning and he is one of the people that the <br />wastewater plant has to answer to when they get out of compliance. Mr. <br />Sanders said that he did not know how to run a water or wastewater plant but <br />Mr. Dixon does, and he is the one that issues the fines when they do get out of <br /> <br /> <br />