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Regular City Council Meeting <br />April 14, 2003 <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />of Cities is the largest municipal organization in the nation. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Manning said they had a long and very informative meeting with Congressman <br />Max Sandlin. They attended a session featuring a presentation by Homeland <br />Security Secretary Tom Ridge and received a lot of information from him. <br />They also attended a session with Acting Director Rob Ridder on Early <br />Childhood Development, which was very interesting. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Manning advised that the President's budget package did not cover the <br />unfunded mandates, especially those in the Homeland Security Package. Of <br />those, the Cops Grant in Paris may, in the near future, lose funding. He felt this <br />should be addressed before it is too late or there may be a loss of officers from <br />the grant or the taxes will have to be raised all at once. He said that they found <br />out that the National Highway Budget has been cut by one billion dollars, <br />which will also affect Texas. Mr. Ridge spoke about the possible entry and <br />exit visa system for the U. S. and portable radiation detectors at the borders. <br />Manning said that they were also told that every billion dollars spent equals 42 <br />thousand jobs. Mr. Ridge expressed interest in and said he would like cities to <br />seek out mutual aid in their fire departments and neighboring cities for <br />equipment in case of a terrorist attack, which would mean that one city might <br />own one piece of equipment and another own a different type of equipment. <br /> <br />Mayor Pfiester called for consideration of continuing participation as a member <br />of the Texas Municipal League. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone advised that this item was placed on the agenda because <br />the city is being billed by the Texas Municipal League for membership for <br />next year. He said he had enclosed information in the packet to give the City <br />Council an idea of some of the services available through TML. TML <br />represents the cities interests at state and federal levels concerning legislation <br />along with providing legal and technical information as well as a variety of <br />training sessions and conferences. He said that TML also maintains a lot of <br />information in their files which is accessible by the city and they sponsor group <br />risk pool programs that produce large dollars savings for TML member cities. <br /> <br /> <br />