Laserfiche WebLink is a 66% increase in the net plant in service over a five-year period. These <br /> investments were necessary to maintain the safety and reliability of the system. Much <br /> of the investment was to replace pipe and other facilities that had reached the end of <br /> their service lives. The investments were also made in response to the rapid <br /> economic growth in our servfce area, which required the replacement of pipe as <br /> development encroached on high pressure lines, relocations of pipe as roads and <br /> freeways were built or expanded, and extensions of pipe and increases in capacity as <br /> the population expanded into outlying areas. <br /> <br />OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES <br /> <br /> Despite the rapid growth in the economy and the increased capital investment, <br /> TXU Gas has been able to closely control its operating and maintenance (O&M) <br /> expenses. Between 2001 and 2002, expenses in the field have slightly decreased. <br /> Operating expenses over all have slightly increased as a result of increased pension <br /> funding requirements and employee benefits, areas of expense that have been rapidly <br /> rising across the national economy and are largely outside of the Company's control. <br /> TXU Gas is continuing to take steps to limit increases in O&M expenses. This rate <br /> case contains several adjustments reflecting additional steps that have been taken to <br /> reduce O&M after the close of the recent calendar year. As a result of our WINS <br /> program, for example, O&M expenses have been adjusted downward in the rate case <br /> from actual costs by $6.7 million. <br /> <br /> SIMPLIFIED RATES <br /> <br /> We have taken great care in developing this rate case. We have simplified our <br /> approach so that it will be much easier for our customers and our regulators to <br /> understand our business. For instance, in this case we are proposing rates for only six <br /> customer classes: Four classes of service from the inlet of our system through both <br /> <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br /> <br />