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MEMORANDUM <br />TO : MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL <br />FROM : MICHAEL E. MALONE, CITY MANAGER <br /> <br />SUBJECT : W & S RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNCILMAN PLATA, <br /> RECOMMENDATION NUMBER THREE <br /> <br />DATE : MAY 14, 2003 <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION NUMBER THREE: Eliminate $100,000.00 sbtudgeted for new valves to be <br />installed while old ones could be rebuilt at the (sic) fraction of the cos. <br /> <br />On page four of the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of September 19, 2002, beginning <br />witli rife second paragraph (attached hereto as Exhibit IL Councilman Plata questioned the proposed <br />expenditure of $85,000.00 in line item 10-0403-82-00-Filter beds and valves. The account was and is <br />budgeted for an $85,000.00 expenditure and is a maintenance account, not capital. <br />Mr. Campbell explained at the meeting in September that part of the funds in this account were to be <br />used to replace the effluent valve CONTROLLERS (not valves) on te.p v.a!yes~.n th.e filters:. Mr: <br />Campbell explained that the new rules and regulations require that an of the hirers De momtoren <br />continuously for the quality of the water ontp~ut.~fhis water quality is charted continuously and is kep. t <br />as a record. Mr. Campbell explained that, ~fyon surge the filters, then the turbidity of tile water wall <br />go up and will show np as a spike on our graphs. Tile magnitude and duration of the spike is now <br />regulated by TCE(}, and if we have a spike ol'a certain magnitude and duration, we will be subject <br />to~ublic notification and possible publication of a "boil water notice". These controls werepuif on <br />there eight years ago when theplant was modified and are wearin~ out. The new filter effluent <br />controllers are more precise anffwill allow the valves to be controlle~d more carefully, avoiding the <br />violation of water quality standards that are newly mandated. <br /> <br /> At this time, four of the new controllers have been installed and the other effluent valve controllers <br /> have already beenpnrchased and are awaiting installation. A large proportion of this maintenance <br /> account is budgetedfor thc replacement of filter media which is graduallq washed out over time. I am <br /> attaching Exh~it II which hsts all of the items which might at one time or another have to be <br /> purchased from this MAINTENANCE account. As you will-see, we are budgeting a modest amount <br /> relative to the value of all items that would be purchased from this account iFyou purchased them all <br /> at once. Of course, we don't expect to have topnrchase them all at on.ce, we only budget a modest <br /> amount to take care of known maintenance andto allow for other contingencies that m~ght occur at <br /> any time. There was never any planned expenditure for "valves" being I~udgeted. <br /> At this point in the fiscalyear, we are proiecting a total expenditure of approximately $65,000.00 of <br /> the $85,000.00 budgeted for a possible sawngs o'f $20,000.00. <br /> I surmise that the other $15,000.00 in Councilman Plata's estimated savings by not ~nrc.hasing <br /> "valves" could refer to account number 10-0413-82-00 - Hydrants and valves, although only <br /> $12,000.00 is budgeted in this line item for the contingency, of the need to repair or replace other valves <br /> or hydrants used at the water treatment plant. At tli~s point, no funds have been needed. If no valves <br /> or h~.drants are needed this fiscal year, then it is likely that these funds will not be used resulting in <br /> a sawngs of $12,000.00. <br /> It is possible that between these two accounts,an estimated $32,000.00 may be saved at the end of the <br /> year. It will not be possible to save the $100,~00.00 projected by Councilman Plata. <br /> <br /> MEM/mm <br /> ~tachment: Exhibits I a~d II . <br /> -03-MemO-Mayor and Council- Plata~ecom m entlatlon Three <br /> <br /> <br />