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12.02.2013 MINUTES
City Council
12.02.2013 MINUTES
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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 2, 2013 <br />Page 4 <br />11. Receive update from Chief Hundley on the ongoing murder investigation. <br />Chief Hundley stated that on October 9 four citizens were murdered and it was the most <br />heinous act. He reported that immediately ten detectives began working the scene. Chief <br />Hundley said that the Texas Ranger, patrol officers, and investigators were continuing to track <br />down leads. He also said there had been several federal officers working on this case. He said <br />there were certain aspects that he could not discuss, because this was an open investigation and <br />he did not want to jeopardize prosecution of this case. Chief Hundley expressed confidence in <br />the investigators in finding out who committed these crimes and stated they would continue to <br />actively work this investigation until those responsible were brought to justice. <br />12. Discuss and approve a Lease Agreement with Maxey Rifleman Gun Club for property <br />located at Lake Crook to use as a gun range. <br />Mayor Hashmi said at the City Council meeting of October 28, Maxey Gun Club <br />requested a five year extension of their current lease agreement and at that time the gun club was <br />asked to bring back a five year plan. He said that plan was included in the agenda packets and <br />that Mr. Osborne from Maxey Gun Club was present to answer any questions from Council. Mr. <br />Osborne explained the gun club was self-funded and had been improving the property every <br />year. He said they rebuilt the berms every two years and added additional gravel to the parking <br />lot as needed. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Frierson and seconded by <br />Council Member Drake. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />13. Discuss and act on a professional services contract with AECOM to design city -wide <br />municipal infrastructure project(s). <br />City Manager John Godwin said he and Council Members Wright and Lancaster met <br />several times with AECOM. He said the contract calls for construction to be divided into five <br />phases, with the first set of projects ready to be advertised for bid in March and the other four <br />divided out over the subsequent two years. Mr. Godwin said the proposed cost was an amount <br />not to exceed $4,500,836, which resulted in a new contract of $447,474 less than originally <br />requested by AECOM. Mayor Hashmi asked for assurance from AECOM they would be timely <br />with each phase of this project and AECOM Representative Mr. D'Adam answered in the <br />affirmative. Mayor Hashmi referenced Exhibit B and said he would like language included that <br />the 4% maximum increase is effective January 1, 2015 and will be in effect each calendar year <br />thereafter. Mayor Hashmi asked Council Members Wright and Lancaster if they were <br />comfortable with the contract, to which both replied yes. Mayor Hashmi inquired of Mr. <br />Holland Harper it was helpful to have Council Members involved in the contract negotiations. <br />Mr. Harper said at first he was apprehensive, but that it did work out well having involvement of <br />Council Members. He explained that with Council Members being active in the negotiations, it <br />assured Council buy -in of the process and contract terms. Mayor Hashmi said the City saved <br />$500,000 and he appreciated that fact. <br />
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