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AFFIDAVIT REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1710 <br /> <br /> STATE OF TEXAS <br /> <br /> COUNTY .OF LAMAR <br /> <br />" BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared <br /> <br />PARIS HISTORICAL PRSERVATION CO~MITTEE , who upon oath deposes and says: <br />"I am SAME , and my address ts <br /> PHONE NUMBSR <br />CITY OF PARI~ and I have a proprietary interest <br /> in property located within the corporate limits of tim City o[ Paris being <br /> described as follows:il25 BON~ STRHET ' <br /> SANTE FE~ FRISCO DEPOT <br /> <br /> "My tn~erest tn ~he above described property ts AGEN~ , <br /> and I do reques~ a change tn zontng From LIGHT I~DUSTRIAL <br /> <br /> OtS~rlCt ~0 HISTORICIAL OVERLAY District. <br /> "In suppor~ of said request I eiake Um following answers ~o questions 1-4: <br /> <br /> 1. Wlll the re-zoning be in accordance wlth Um'orlgtna.l comprehensive <br /> zoning scheme, as represenk~ by Um pre-establl'shed zontng ordinance and <br /> long range master plan .and ~nap tha~ has been adopted by the zoning ordinance? <br /> <br /> YES <br /> <br /> 2. Will tim re-zoned designation be compatible with the classification and <br /> use of adjoining lands sq as to avotd adverse impact on neighbors? <br /> YES <br /> <br /> 3. Is tile tract unsuitable for uses pemltted under tile present zoning class- <br /> i[Icatton; therefore Justifying a change ln'zontn~l? NO <br /> <br /> 4. Does the re-zoning bear a substantial rela'ttonshlp to Um public health, <br /> safety, morals or general welfare or protect and preserv~ historical and cultural <br /> places and areas or meet a substantial publtc need? YEs <br /> <br /> · 5, BAS A C0P~ 9E TBE [AND DEED BEEN'SUBMITTED? <br /> <br /> Signature of Appltqant <br /> SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, by the said /~ X <br /> this day of , ~0 <br /> <br /> No~ar~l'ublic, State of Texas <br /> <br /> FILED: <br /> <br /> Ma t L I e 5unn i ng libel, l; I ky 51 erx <br /> <br /> <br />