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Regular Meeting of the PEDC <br />August 20, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />with the CEO of the company several times. It is a small operation, but it would <br />be good to have those jobs. He is looking at temporary facilities where he can <br />operate and maybe build in the Industrial Park in a year or two. Mr. Vest advised <br />that they make audio microphones and their largest product at this time is a <br />waterproof microphone. <br />Mr. Vest advised the Board that on September 24th through the 26th they will be <br />going to the TEDC meeting and he had furnished copies of the agenda to the <br />Board. This is their annual meeting where they have full-blown programs and <br />speakers. He invited the Board members to attend if they would like to attend. <br />Mr. Vest said that he and Vice President Dunn had talked about the PEDC Board <br />visiting Campbell Soup and touring their facilities and to see if they could set <br />something up in the near future. Mr. Vest said they were working with Campbell <br />Soup with an expansion. <br />Mr. Vest advised that they do have the plans for the Industrial Park and he had <br />spent a large part of today with the engineers. Don Wall, Barney Bray, and <br />Shawn Napier were all involved in that meeting. <br />Mr. Vest said everything is moving really good on Ctech and they have received <br />a certification from one of their executives. He reported that Erik goes out there <br />pretty regularly to check on them to see what is going on. <br />Mr. Vest told the Board that the Northeast Texas Economic Development District <br />through the Ark-Tex COG tries to help communities get economic development. <br />They have a CDC Development Corporation along with a loan pool and Mr. <br />Malone has served on the Loan Board. The County Judge has asked the PEDC <br />to appoint four people from Paris to that Board. He got with the Judge and also <br />talked with Jerry Sparks with the Council of Governments and the four <br />appointments that the County Judge is going to make are Gary Vest, Lindsey <br />Johnson, the new Main Street Director, Richard Manning, who was on the City <br />Council and is staying involved in local activities, and Kenneth Webb with Paris <br />Junior College. <br />