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Regular Council Meeting <br />March 10, 2014 <br />Page 5 <br />12. Discuss and act on an Ordinance amending and replacing Article III, Smoking <br />Regulations of Chapter 17 of the code of Ordinances, prohibiting smoking in public <br />places. <br />Mayor Hashmi said the committee met prior to the City Council meeting and had made <br />revisions. Committee Co -Chair John Kruntorad said the new proposed changes included a <br />$50.00 fine for a first offender, as well as a universal distance of 30 feet a smoker would have to <br />stand from an entrance. He also said the committee recommended all hotel and motel rooms be <br />non - smoking. Council Member Grossnickle suggested that bars be added to the ban, while <br />Mayor Hashmi suggested the Council follow the recommendations of the committee. <br />Committee Member Jeff Martin told the Council that he did not believe either side of the <br />Committee would be completely satisfied with the resolution, however a lot was achieved and <br />both sides compromised for what they felt was best for the entire community. City Council <br />Members expressed appreciation to the Committee for their work on this important issue. It was <br />a consensus of the City Council that City Attorney Kent McIlyar make revisions to the ordinance <br />to reflect the recommendations of the committee and bring the ordinance back to the March 24 <br />meeting. <br />13. Appoint a member to the Library Advisory Board to fill an unexpired term. <br />Mayor Hashmi opened the floor for nominations. A Motion to nominate Carol James to <br />serve on the board was made by Council Member Drake. With no other nominations being <br />made, Mayor Hashmi closed the floor. <br />A Motion to appoint Carol James to the Library Advisory Board was made by Mayor <br />Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Wright. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />14. Receive and discuss annual report and plans for the Utilities Department. <br />Utilities Department Director Doug Harris presented the annual report and plans to the <br />City Council for the utilities department and answered questions from City Council. Mr. Harris <br />explained there were 18 lift station facilities located throughout the City's collection system and <br />outlined the needed updates. He also reviewed water production and wastewater treatment <br />divisions, including needed updates and additional needed personnel. Mr. Harris also reviewed <br />goals for the department. <br />15. Consider and approve future events for City Council and /or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />Mr. Godwin said the meeting between the City Council and the Retail Committee was <br />scheduled for Monday, March 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. <br />