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Form 2395 (Rev. 11/11) <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Attachment 1 — Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Commitment Agreement <br />Form SMS 4901 <br />Attachment 2 — DBE Monthly Progress Report Form SMS 4903 <br />Attachment 3 — DBE Final Report Form SMS 4904 <br />Attachment 4 — Prompt Payment Certification Form (Federal -air Projects) 2177 <br />(g) CITY OF PARIS will designate a liaison officer to coordinate efforts <br />with TxDOT's DBE Program administrators and to respond to questions from the public and private <br />sector regarding CITY OF PARIS 's administration of the DBE Program <br />through TxDOT. <br />(h) CITY OF PARIS will be responsible for providing TxDOT with <br />DBE project awards and DBE Commitments, monthly DBE reports, DBE Final Reports, DBE <br />shortfall reports, and annual and updated goal analysis and reports. <br />(i) TxDOT will be responsible for maintaining a directory of firms eligible to participate in the <br />DBE Program, and providing business development and outreach programs. <br />CITY OF PARIS and TxDOT will work cooperatively to provide <br />supportive services and outreach to DBE firms in CITY OF PARIS area. <br />0) CITY OF PARIS will submit DBE semi - annual progress reports to TxDOT. <br />(k) CITY OF PARIS will participate in TxDOT sponsored training <br />classes to include topics on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, DBE Annual Goals, DBE Goal <br />Setting for Construction Projects and Design Projects, DBE Contract Provisions, and DBE Contract <br />Compliance, which may include issues such as DBE Commitments, DBE Substitution, and Final <br />DBE Clearance. TxDOT will include DBE contractors performing work on <br />CITY OF PARIS projects in the DBE Education and Outreach Programs. <br />(1) The Executive Director of CITY OF PARIS will implement all federal <br />requirements, including those stated in Attachments A through F, which are incorporated as though <br />fully set out herein for all purposes. <br />(m) In accordance with 23 CFR 200. 1, CITY OF PARIS shall develop <br />procedures for the collection of statistical data (race, color, religion, sex, and national'origin) of <br />participants in , and beneficiaries of Sate highway programs, i.e., relocatees, impacted citizens and <br />affected communities; develop a program to conduct Title VI review of program areas; and conduct <br />annual reviews of special emphasis program areas to determine the effectiveness of program area <br />activities at all levels. TxDOT, in accordance with federal law, may conduct compliance reviews by <br />TxDOT's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). <br />(n) <br />Attachment F. <br />CITY OF PARIS <br />will comply with 49 CFR 26.29 as stated in <br />(6) In the event there is a disagreement between TxDOT and CITY OF PARIS <br />about the implementation of the TxDOT DBE Program by CITY OF PARIS <br />the parties agree to meet within ten (10) days of receiving a written request from the other party of a <br />desire to meet to resolve any disagreement. The parties will make good faith efforts to resolve any <br />disagreement as efficiently as is reasonably possible in consultation with FHWA. Non - compliance by <br />CITY OF PARIS can result in restitution of federal funds to TxDOT and <br />withholding of further federal funds upon consultation with FHWA. <br />