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an auction. <br /> <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br />Councilman Plata requested that Chief Louis bring back information on what <br />those four older vehicles were and what their milage is. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley said that they had asked the Human Resource Committee to look <br />at car allowances at a later date along with the benefits. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley said that Tommy Haynes had furnished the City Council with a <br />benefit survey and it is there for review. Councilman Guest has the survey and <br />his Human Resources Committee will go over it in detail. The survey compares <br />other cities with the City of Paris. Mr. Haynes came forward and went over the <br />survey with the Council. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley said everyone knows that the employees are at 6% with a two to <br />one match with the exception of the firemen and the firemen put in 10% and the <br />city matches that one for one and it is not up to the 12%. He said they have <br />discussed going to 5% with a two for one match. The discussion on that is that <br />it is a good plan and it is well above industry average, but in doing that, they <br />were looking at parity because the city is putting 10% for the firemen and 11.8% <br />for the city employees. Mr. Anderson said that would cost approximately <br />$40,000.00 to bring the firemen up to the same level as the other employees. <br /> <br />Councilman Bell stated that he was in favor of leaving the retirement plan as it <br />is at this time, based on information provided by other cities. With as many <br />employees as are here tonight, it is important that they understand that something <br />is going to end up giving and the retirement plan does not have to be it. He said <br />about the talk of the insurance going up, there is a point where this cannot be <br />funded. It has nothing to do with the city; it is something that is being faced and <br />there are going to have to be cuts, based on what they have in the plan right now. <br />He is in favor of leaving the city employees alone, but he thought they should <br />increase the firemen as they are putting in 10% and the city should put in 11.8%. <br /> <br />Mr. Anderson said that is fine if you do that, but he wanted to make a <br /> <br /> <br />