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Regular City Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />took them as they were and this area has not been platted before. He said that <br />typically, when a plat is filed, they get easements at that time. An easement has <br />never been dedicated there and by ordinance, they have no right to get in there <br />and do anything. Councilwoman Neeley advised that is what the letter basically <br />stated. By ordinance, in order for the city to take this creek in, Mr. Nelms would <br />have to put in a low flow concrete channel. <br /> <br />Councilman Plata wanted to know when the 24th Street Project is going to be <br />started. Mr. Napier said they were going to try to get all the easements together <br />and possibly put that project out to bid in January or February, so they can start <br />the project in the springtime. Phase I will be from Simpson Street north to <br />Cleveland or Hubbard or in that neighborhood. Then there will be Phase II that <br />will actually go from there all the way up to Lamar Avenue. Mr. Napier said the <br />money was set aside several year ago and when time goes by the cost of the <br />project goes up. They decided to break the project into phases. They will bid the <br />first phase out, see how much money they have left, and then approach the <br />second phase. Councilman Plata said there was approximately one million <br />dollars in that fund for that project. Mr. Napier said he would get those figures <br />together and have something for them tomorrow night. <br /> <br />Nancy Gant, a Board Member of the Children' s Advocacy Center, came forward, <br />stating that she has been on the board for several years now and she could not <br />think of a better project as there are so many needy children. Ms. Gant stated the <br />City Council did not have any idea of how many kids that have been abused in <br />this area, including Cooper, that they have taken in. Ms. Gant said she did not <br />know what they would do if they did not have the center. She asked the City <br />Council to help fund the Children's Advocacy Center with a donation of <br />$10,000.00. <br /> <br />Carol and Jerry Hammack, 2015 Kyle Drive, came forward speaking in support <br />of the Children's Advocacy Center as Board Members. <br /> <br />Kenneth Webb, President of the Children's Advocacy Center, came forward <br />reminding the City Council that they did need the donation from the City of Paris <br /> <br /> <br />