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City of Paris Council Benefits Subcommittee <br />December 9, 2003 <br />Page 3 <br />that payroll is a little bit higher, and that could be a combination of several things <br />such as giving step raises, but where is this reflected in the budget, and should <br />the Council be looking at this it might be a negligible deal. <br />Mr. Anderson advised that the number gets put into the budget based on what <br />the previous year's actual was, and it is rolled into the salary number in terms of <br />the budget line items. <br />Councilman Bell asked that Mr. Anderson look at this and bring it back to the <br />committee. Councilman Bell said in his mind this needs to be brought back and <br />explained when they discuss this with a full Council. These are the questions that <br />they try to get to so they will have the information and they may not have an <br />impact, but they need to let the Council that this is a negligible item. <br />Chairman Guest asked if the attendance holidays can be carried forward. Mr. <br />Anderson said the number gets rolled into their holiday leave balance. Once it <br />gets rolled into their holiday leave balance, it is not distinguished from any other <br />holiday. He said they did not track it as to what year they earned it. They just <br />have a total balance. <br />Chairman Guest said there is a limit on sick days of 135. Mr. Anderson said <br />there is not a limit on sick leave under Civil Service. City Attorney Schenk said <br />the attendance holiday is an incentive to keep the city from losing productivity. <br />Chairman Guest asked Melba Harris what is paid time off? She advised that is <br />any vacation leave, sick leave, and comp time. He asked what is comp time? Ms. <br />Harris said it is when a person works other than their regular scheduled work <br />week and a person may work extra time or a holiday. They can choose to be paid <br />or take the time off at time and one-half. <br />Councilman Bell asked what the city is allowed to do regarding military leave? <br />City Attorney Schenk said most of that is dictated by State and Federal laws. <br />That is why they city's policy is written that it will comply with State and Federal <br />laws. Councilman Bell said that technically, military leave would be exempted. <br />