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Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 12,2004 <br />Page 23 <br /> <br />Councilman Guest said there were four attendance holidays if no sick leave is <br />taken, one per quarter, if they've been employed at the city under 10 years. He <br />also stated that civil service employees get three civil service holidays. He <br />indicated there was no suggested action on these. <br /> <br />On vacation time, Councilman Guest said that employees with less than 10 <br />years service get 12 vacation days a year and employees with more than 10 <br />years service get 18 vacation days. Currently, unused vacation days may be <br />carried forward with no maximum. The Committee recommended that there <br />be a maximum of 45 days accumulated vacation time. He stated that 56 <br />employees currently have more than 30 days of accumulated vacation time. <br />Mr. Anderson said if they counted the Health Department, thirty (30) <br />employees had 45 days or more. Councilman Bell felt this would encourage <br />the employee to take a vacation, because vacation time was there for a reason. <br />Councilman Plata said that he felt like they should use or lose their vacation in <br />that year. Councilman Bell said there was discussion about the 45 days being <br />too much, but since there was no limit, the committee felt like the 45 day limit <br />was a step in the right direction. Councilman Bell said that sometimes an <br />employee taking off can cause a gridlock, because no one else can do that <br />employee's job. He used Shawn Napier, City Engineer, as an example, who <br />had to come in on one of his vacation days to execute some documents. City <br />Manager Malone said that when he became city manager, there were five <br />engineers and now there is one. Councilwoman Neeley said a lot of these things <br />have been caused by cutbacks in the departments. Mayor Fendley said a lot of <br />these kinds of things can be handled with proper planning. <br /> <br />Councilman Guest said the City has two retirement plans. One plan is for <br />regular employees with the Texas Municipal Retirement System. There is <br />mandatory participation where the employee contributes 6% of their pay and <br />with a 2 to 1 match by the city. He stated that the annual cost to the city was <br />$1,124,007.00 and the average employee contribution was $3535.00. <br /> <br />Councilman Plata asked why there was mandatory participation. It was the <br />consensus that it was a state law. Mr. Anderson stated that the city opted into <br /> <br /> <br />