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MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />Mayor and City Council <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />S hawn Napier~ <br />City Engineer 13 \ <br /> <br />February 2, 2004 <br /> <br />I have reviewed the final plat of the above referenced addition. It apPears that the replat <br />complies with the City of Pm-is subdivision regulations with the following exceptions and/or <br />additions. <br /> <br /> 1. Show the adjacent property owners. <br /> Name the street between 33d St. N.E. and North Hills Drive. <br /> 3. In the third paragraph of the field notes change Northerly to Northwesterly. <br /> 4. In the seventh and eighth paragraph of the field notes change Darnell Drive to 33'a <br /> St. N.E. <br /> 5. Provide curve information (in a tab/e) on Right-of-Way (ROW) line parallel to C1 <br /> of 33rd St. N.E. <br /> 6. Add a 10-foot utihty easement between lots 15 and 16 of block E. <br /> 7. Add a five-foot utility easement on lot 23, block B adjacent to the 100-foot TXU <br /> 0a omo t. <br /> 8. Add a five-foot utility easement on the front (adjacent to ROW) of lots 3 and 4 of <br /> block K. <br /> 9. Add a five-foot utility easement on the side of lot 11 and 20 of block E, Iot 21 of <br /> block B and lot 13 of block F. <br /> 10. Label the most westerly point in the subdivision (i.e.I.P.F.). <br /> 11. Submit a set of record drawings for the subdivisions infrastructure. <br /> 12. The owner must sign the final plat prior to it being filed for record. <br /> 13. Provide a certificate that all taxes and fees have been paid from the Lamar County <br /> Appraisal District <br /> 14. Pay filling fees in the amount of $30.00 (cashiers check or money order) made <br /> payable to Lamar County Clerk. <br /> 15. Four street sign assemblies will be needed the cost is $520.00 ($130.00 each) <br /> <br />I recommend approval of the final plat upon completion of the above items. <br /> <br />CC: <br /> <br />Michael E. Malone, City Manager <br />Larry W. Schenk, City Attorney <br />Steve Methven, Building Official <br />Brandon Chaney, P.E., R.P.L.S., Chaney Engineering, Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />