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Grant Coversheet Form <br /> I. ENTER the L-~al name of the organization: 12. a) ENTER the Authorized Official Information: <br /> 2ity of Pads rifle (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, e~c.): Wt. <br /> <br />2. ENTER the title of the project,. ~larne: Michael ~lalone <br />Red River Vat/ey Drug Task Force Position: :ity Manager <br />3. ENTER the division or unit to administer the pro~ect: Address: P.O. Box 9037 <br />Police Department 3ity/Stata/Zip: Pads texas 75401 <br />4. ENTER the agency's State Payee .Identification Numbe~ Telephone: 903 785-7511 x.201 Fax: 903 785-8519 <br />1-7560006359000 E-mail: m malon e(~, tx us <br /> <br />5. a) is the applicant organization delinquent on any No ,, :~) ENTER the Project Director information: <br />State or Federal debt? (SELECT One): -- T"r[le (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc.): thief <br />b) ENTER the date of the last audit: 11/07/2001 Name: ~arl .ouis <br />c) ENTER the agency fiscal year~ IOct. 1-Sept. 30 Position: :hief of Police <br />3. SELECT the funding source: Address: P.O. Box 9037 <br /> <br />Byrne Form ula Grant Program ( feperal CFD.~-16.579) <br /> ~ Sity/State/Zip: ~ans re>as 75461 <br />7. ENTER the grant pedod (ex: mm/dd/yyyy): Telephone: 903 785-7511 x 235 Fax: 903 737-4142 <br /> From: I 00/01/2004 I To:I05/31/2005 l-mail: I( Iouis~,,ci paris tx us <br /> L ENTER the current grant number if a continuation project: :) ENTER the Financial Officer information: <br />i13854-05 T'~e (Mr., Ms., Dr., Judge, etc-): ~r. <br />9 Budget InformaIion ffigures Nled in f~om Budget Form): ~lame: ~/. E. ~,ndemon <br /> CJD Funds I Cash Match In-Kind Total Position: Dimctorof Finance <br /> $739,7Z2I $311,434 $0 $1,051,156 ~ddmss: P.O. Box 9037 <br />10. a) Is this a local or regional project? (SELECT <br />,One): Yes ~ Sity/State/Zip: Paris texas 75461 <br />:b) lf you marked ~es', for Step lO. a);isthis Telephone: g03 785-7511x241 Fax: 903785-8519 <br />;application subject to a regional COG pdofitLT.,ation No <br /> <br /> )rocess? (SELECT One): E-mail: q anderson( paris.tx us <br /> <br /> ;) If you marked 'No', for Step 10. a) or b); then is 13. SELECT your organization type based on the list of eligible applicants <br /> his application subject to the State's TRACS prose, ss :~y fund source: <br /> )ursuant to 1 TAC. §§5.19f-5.2537 (SELECT NO <br />One): City j <br />:d) If you marked 'Yes' for Step 10. a), SELEGT the regional COG in <br />which this project is 9eegraphically located: 14. a) SELECT the headquarters county: <br />Ark-Tex Council Of Governments - Region 0500 'l ~) UST the cities and counties within the service <br /> area: <br />i rTM <br />:11. a) Is this grant application is response to a ~,ities of Paris, Bonham, Sulphur Spdngs, Mt. Vernon, and Cooper, and <br />, · · ~J ::ounties of Lamar, Fannin, Hopkins, Franklin, and Delta. <br />IRequest for Applications (RFA) as pubhshed m the No <br />ITexa$ Register? (SELECT One): <br />)) It yOU marked 'No', ENTER the name of the CJD JUdy <br />itaff member that you contacted for submission: <br /> <br /> 15. FOR COG U~E ONLY a) Is this application shared with another' COG? (ENTER "Yes" or"No"): <br /> )) CPTN #: d) COG Ap~=afiee ID: <br /> <br /> <br />