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In the way of explanation, two types of stop loss reinsurance are typically used. Specific <br />Stop Loss coverage protects the City for plan year claims on an individual which exceed <br />a certain limit. In this case that limit is $75,000. If claims exceed this amount on any <br />individual, the reinsurance company reimburses the City for those claims. Aggregate <br />Stop Loss coverage puts a limit on the City's liability for all eligible claims in a plan <br />year. If that limit is exceeded, the reinsurance company reimburses the City for those <br />claims. <br /> <br />Under a self funded arrangement, the City would hold in reserve the funds it has <br />budgeted for its share of insurance costs ($2,116,800) as well as City employee <br />contributions for dependent coverage ($456,855). Over the course of the plan year, the <br />City would pay TML $101,630 for administration (processing claims, billing, Cobra <br />administration, etc.) and pay the reinsurance company $309,181 for both types of stop <br />loss coverage. As TML approves and processes claims, the City pays them. In this case <br />there would be $2,162,844 available to pay claims. Because of the aggregate stop loss <br />coverage, the maximum liability for claims would be $2,689,912. This leaves the City <br />with a potential additional liability of $527,068 in a worse case scenario. TML used an <br />expected claims amount of $2,151,930 in calculating its rates. Claims paid through the <br />first 8 months of the cun'ent plan year are $996,512. Annualized this number would be <br />$1,494,783. If City claims next year equaled that same $1,494,783, the City would profit <br />by $668,061. The advantages of a self funded plan are (1) The City controls its own <br />reserves. Any reserves not used represent savings to the City. This number will be <br />$2,162,844 less actual claims paid. (2) Claims are paid only as they are presented rather <br />than as part of fully funded premiums. (3) City retains control over benefits, appeals, and <br />the network. (4) The City's plan is not an ERISA plan which results in some claims cost <br />savings. (5) Employees know that their current providers are in the network. Not all local <br />providers are in the Humana network. Capps Insurance has indicated that Humana will <br />attempt to recruit local providers requested by the City but there is no obligation of the <br />provider to join the network. <br /> <br /> <br />