thod described
<br />; a better value
<br />iat expenditure
<br />hapter and the
<br />,d described in
<br />penditure.
<br />1, 1987. Amend-
<br />ff. Aug. 28, 1989;
<br />g. 28, 1989; Acts
<br />1991; Acts 1993,
<br />Acts 1993, 73rd
<br />)95, 79th Leg., ch.
<br />Ith Leg., ch. 796,
<br />, ch. 126, $ 1, eff.
<br />70, 4 3, eff. Sept.
<br />eff. Sept. 1, 1999;
<br />apL 1, 2001; Acts
<br />1, 2001.
<br />c seq.
<br />Aes:
<br />id applies only W a
<br />Is or proposals on or
<br />!rendum Provi-
<br />ibed by SecUon
<br />:hat are payable:
<br />: amount of the
<br />aicipality for all
<br />,ar year exceeds:
<br />)pulaUOn is 5,000
<br />'s population is
<br />,'s population is
<br />y's population is
<br />rt. 1, 1987. Amend-
<br />, eff. Aug. 26, 1991.
<br />che natice esemptione
<br />ent Code, applies only
<br />st solicited on or after
<br />hich bide ur propoeale
<br />' by the law in etfect at
<br />; is continued in etfxt
<br />252.024. Selection of Insurance Broker
<br />This chapter does not prevent a municipality from
<br />selecting a licensed insurance broker as the sole bro-
<br />ker of record to obtain proposals and coverages for
<br />excess or surplus insurance that provides necessary
<br />coverage and adequate limits of coverage in structur-
<br />ing layered excess coverages in all areas of risk
<br />requiring special consideration, including public offi-
<br />cial liability, police professional liability, and airport
<br />liability. The broker may be retained only on a fee
<br />basis and may not receive any other remuneration
<br />from any other source.
<br />Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 199, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.
<br />[Sections 252.025 to 252.040 reserved for expansion]
<br />§ 252.041. Notice Requirement
<br />(a) If the competitive sealed bidding requirement
<br />applies to the contract, notice'of the time and place at
<br />which the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud
<br />must be published at least once a week for two
<br />eonsecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the
<br />municipality. The date of the first publication muat
<br />be before the 14th day before the date set to publicly
<br />open the bids and read them aloud. If no newspaper is
<br />published in the municipality, the notice must be
<br />posted at the city hall for 14 days before the date set
<br />to publicly open the bids and read them aloud.
<br />(b) If the competitive sealed proposals requirement
<br />applies to the contract, notice of the request for
<br />proposals must be given in the same manner as that
<br />prescribed by Subsection (a) for the notice for compet-
<br />itive sealed bids.
<br />(c) If the contract is for the purchase of machinery
<br />for the construction or maintenance of roads or
<br />streets, the notice for bids and the order for purchase
<br />must include a general specification of the machinery
<br />desired.
<br />(d) If the governing body of the municipality in-
<br />tends to issue time warrants for the payment of any
<br />part of the contract, the notice must include a state-
<br />ment of:
<br />(1) the governing body's intention;
<br />(2) the maximum amount of the proposed time
<br />warrantindebtedness;
<br />(3) the rate of interest the time wazrants will
<br />bear; and
<br />§ 252.043
<br />(4) the maximum maturity date of the time war-
<br />rants.
<br />Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. Amend-
<br />ed by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 109, § 2, eff. Aug. 26, 1991;
<br />Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 749, § 9, eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Acts
<br />1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 757, § 6, eff. Sept. 1,1993.
<br />§ 252.0415. Procedures for Electronic Bids or Pro-
<br />posals
<br />(a) A municipality may receive bids or proposals
<br />under this chapter through electronic transmission if
<br />the governing body of the municipality adopts rules to
<br />ensure the identification, security, and confidentiality
<br />of electronic bids or proposals and to ensure that the
<br />electronic bids or proposals remain effectively un-
<br />opened until the proper time.
<br />(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
<br />chapter, an electronic bid or proposal is not required
<br />to be sealed. A provision of this chapter that applies
<br />to a sealed bid or proposal applies to a bid or proposal
<br />received through electronic transmission in accor-
<br />dance with the rules adopted under Subsection (a).
<br />Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1063, § 6, eff. Sept. 1,
<br />2001.
<br />Requests for Proposals for Certain Pro-
<br />curements
<br />(a) Requeats for proposals made under Section
<br />252.021 must solicit quotations and must specify the
<br />relative importance of price and other evaluation fac-
<br />to
<br />(b) iscussions in accordance with the terms of a
<br />request for proposals and with regulations adopted by
<br />the governing body of the municipality may be con-
<br />ducted with offerors who submit proposals and who
<br />are determined to be reasonably qualiTied for the
<br />award of the contract. Offerors shall be treated fairly
<br />and equally with respect to any opportunity for discus-
<br />sion and revision of proposals. To obtain the best
<br />final offers, revisions may be permitted after submis-
<br />sions and before the award of the contract. •
<br />Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept 1, 1957. Amend-
<br />ed by Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1, § 66(c), eff. Aug. 28, 1989;
<br />Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 45, $ 2, eff. May 5, 1996.
<br />§ 252.043. Award of Contract
<br />(a) If the competitive sealed bidding requirement
<br />applies to the contract for goods or services, the
<br />contract must be awarded to the lowest responsible
<br />bidder or to the bidder who provides goods or services
<br />at the best value for the municipality.
<br />553
<br />