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Regular City Council Meeting <br />February 9, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br />resolution. It was seconded by Councilman Guest and carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution 2004-023, expressing support for H.R. 2209, the Highway Funding <br />Equity Act of 2003, pending before the United States Congress, to provide a <br />more equitable share of Federal highway funds to the State of Texas, was read. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Bell, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem <br />McCarthy, for approval of the resolution. The motion carried 7 ayes to 0 nays. <br />Resolution 2004-024, approving and authorizing a Letter of Agreement by and <br />between the City of Paris and the Texas Historical Commission to qualify the <br />City for eligibility to continue to participate in the Main Street Graduate City <br />Program, was presented. <br />Councilwoman Neeley made a motion to approve the resolution, which was <br />seconded by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution 2004-025, approving and authorizing the execution of Contract <br />Change Notice No. 3 (Attachment No. 1A) to the Contract for Public Health <br />Services, TDH Document No. 7560022067-2004, was read. <br />Councilman Bell asked if there was any budgetary impact that came with this <br />Change Order. Finance Director Anderson indicated there was a zero budget <br />impact. Councilman Bell made a motion to approve the resolution. Mayor Pro <br />Tem McCarthy seconded the motion, which carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />th <br />Mayor Fendley said the next item had been tabled at the January 12 meeting <br />and a motion was in order to bring it from the table. Councilwoman Neeley so <br />moved to bring it from the table. Councilman Bell seconded the motion, which <br />passed 7 ayes to 0 nays. <br />Mayor Fendley called Karl Louis, Chief of Police, forward to address the <br />Council. Chief Louis commended Task Force Director Eddie Almond on his <br />years of service, as he is retiring in May, and on the outstanding job he has <br />done. Chief Louis presented Lieutenant Shawn Walsh, a supervisor with the <br />Texas Department of Public Safety Narcotics Division, who will assume the <br /> <br />