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Regular City Council Meeting <br />February 9, 2004 <br />Page 9 <br />Councilman Bell asked what the cost of these change orders were. City Engineer <br />Shawn Napier brought the Council’s attention to a couple of handouts and <br />explained that Change Order No. 1 amounted to $47,000 and Change Order No. <br />2 amounted to $10,000, but that there would be no addition to the amount of the <br />contract because the contingency fund provided for in the contract to off-set <br />any unforeseen items. He did indicate that 45 days was added by the change <br />orders to allow for additional time for the manufacture and delivery of the RCCP <br />pipe. Councilwoman Neeley reiterated that the City would not be spending any <br />more money, which was confirmed by City Engineer Napier. <br />Councilman Bell asked why the 45 day delay. Mr. Napier explained that a <br />section of pipe they had installed failed and that had to be taken care of. He <br />continued that it was just an individual breakdown in that section of the pipe <br />and it was an emergency break. <br />Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy asked for an estimated date for the completion of the <br />project and City Engineer Napier indicated it should be mid-March. Mayor Pro <br />Tem McCarthy asked if that included road work and everything. Mr. Napier <br />said it did. <br />Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy said there had been some published concerns about <br />drainage. City Engineer Napier said that Change Order No. 2 addressed that. <br />Mr. Napier indicated that some of these people had drainage problems for years <br />and there was no simple solution, but the street would help with the drainage <br />problems. City Engineer Napier cited shallow ditches as part of the problem. <br />City Manager Malone interjected that this was a localized problem on private <br />property. <br />Councilman Bell asked if there was still $43,000.00 in the Contingency Fund. <br />City Engineer Napier said that was approximately correct. <br />A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy and seconded by <br />Councilwoman Neeley, to approve the resolution. The motion carried 7 ayes to <br />0 nays. <br /> <br />