<br />Apr 05 04 02:46p
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<br />p.2
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<br />COUN1Y OF
<br />
<br />BEFORE ME, 1be undeIsigned auttmy, on tI1s day peIDlEÙly appemaJ.~)r I A N W ~e.b I ')
<br />("affidant"), wID, after being by me dulyswom, de¡xJsesand says that he
<br />is {}. "",~,,~ r- .a ~AR.1<I" '~LHT~,( æ. (capom!ioo,partnelShip,tradename)of k~""f1I" County,
<br />Sœæ of Texas (1he "Co1lll3ctol"), v.i1ich said Con1l3CtOr was awmrled the contract dæd 1he -day of --' 2004, fur the
<br />cx:msIrIJCjoo of \>AR \'- ~f"r'K C """'4"\~'" r"".,-+c~<+" at l' AA ,"', -r--.' (the
<br />"WoIk"), fòr a 1DIal oonsideralion 4; I<;? 'I :>" v,Q DoIIæs tJ be paid tJ 1be said Comdor (1he "Ca1tnI:t"), and
<br />that Affiant has full """",,10 auIhorily to make this afIidavit.
<br />
<br />That C ~\v. ,..,J; Î' ....1<.", (the "Qwra') hasapptU\":d 1he final csômaleon said Wod<, 1I1d1hal1he said Contractor has fully
<br />satisfied II1d peJd any and all claims that may be tOVeI<d by 01apœr 53 of1he Texas property Code, and A11icle 5160 of1he Revised Civi
<br />S- of the S1æ: of Texas, 01' anyO1her applicable -...- provisions, and that aDjust bills for labor and rmæriab have been paid
<br />II1d ~ by said Con1l3CtOr insofur as they perI3in to the WOIk in quesion.
<br />
<br />That in Mdition t> any funds ,.,;jch may have been ~ paid by the Owrer, the Contt'ac1ar hereby a:œpIs 11-", amount of
<br />~"'",'~nC{ ¡¡"c~".,d(uI1T......I"-tk,,,...Þ"IfIóUsrs as FULL AND ANAL PAYMENT' under the .&..g.~,",..,d
<br />COh1l3::i,and hereby waives and rei..... any riglit Man! sndkr the ConIra:tor may have to pur¡ue claims of any rBure against 1he Owrer
<br />arising au: of or in any manner connected with the perfoormœ of the Wod<. andkr 1he Contract, irduding but not Iimi1ed 10 claims of tbitd
<br />parties that supplied maIaiaI arxVor labor fur 1be Wod<. fòr or1taougb 1be Cœ1ractor (SubconJa::too"), as well as claims for ŒIay, Wdiôonal
<br />~ or fur """""'Y ofliqui:laœd damages v.i1ich may have been withheld by1he D.\œr, The ConIra:tor shaIJ dclinI, 00Id haJtnlæ¡
<br />and indenmny 1he Û\\TIer fiom any such claims of such Su0C0ntrnct0r3. The Con1rætJJr fuI1her releases the Owner fiom any claim or liability
<br />arising fiom any act or regIect of 1he Owner reIaIed 10 or connected with 1he Cootrnct This affidavit, is given pursu¡rt 10 1he final pa;nænt
<br />
<br />
<br />-0 ;;;;.. - ._k_w 2t;5z
<br />:C=':"'~7 ußI1.jW IÚIZ¿~
<br />
<br />Affiant
<br />
<br />Printed Næœ
<br />
<br />
<br />If 2. ~ 1.: J- (Ý\ ()...~
<br />, \
<br />(Notary Seal)
<br />
<br />(Notuy Public, in and furthe StBte offexas)
<br />¡..('£LLIF f'1~R.T/'"
<br />
<br />(PrinIedNameofNOIaIy)
<br />My Commission Expi... q l~r I en
<br />
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