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CITy oi, GRArr,vINE <br />HTSTORIC PRESF.Rn'?.'PION COMN4ISSTON <br />C,onLs nN u Os.irc'nVEs <br />lhe City of Graylevine Ilistoric Presen°ation Cornmission ddopted a Goals and Ohjccti\es suue;nent nt <br />its Septcmber meeting, ~%-hich summartzes issues that are critical to the Curiuc ouccess of ihc 1 Ii,ieric <br />Pree~iz'atioii Cotnuiission and its progratns tt> prescrve and protcct the historic resotirccs of thc Cit\° o[ <br />Grapevinc. <br />60.AL 1. PusL,c EDucArioN <br />E.Stablish and maintaui rcgular dialogue wiih property ov,=nccs iu lvstoric districts <br />through vehicles such as mcetings, an occasionu] newsletter, etc. to iniorm and <br />remind owners about the Certificate of Approprialeuess process, llic disu icI's <br />guidelvies, ete. Txplore pa~sibility of pxoducing video progr<<r;is. <br />- Publisli the historic disLricts' dcsign guidelines in hamdhoml; for:n. <br />Devclop and prescnt hands-on 1raining 1or historic propcrt}- oN\neis i❑ <br />rchabilitation/restoratior concepts and teclmiques. <br />Gentraic eeneral publicitv about the progvm and Ilhc districts throu_h r <br />mcctings with media reprc,enlatives, possible av,-ards program, etc. <br />Goa.1.7_. Li~Inur-16xIP <br />Provide ongoing educati<m of local, state and national civie ]eaders, elected <br />officials, ete. about IIPC programs and goals, related preservation issucs aud <br />]ecisianon, ctc. <br />Participate in conCercnces. %vorlcshops and oflier programs diat pro~~idc or.,4oin,_- <br />trainina 1or Cominissioncrs and staff; devclop and cxpand a library oCrcfcrcnce <br />boak.5isubscriptions; inritc visiting specialists for on-sile traininc,. <br />- Define thc Historic Preservation Commissioners' roles in local prcscr~,ition <br />efforts; and dleir relationsl,-':p to the C'n apcvir.c HeritLire Fotimdatioun ,m,'. tJZCr <br />croc,ps. <br />RittiPOVp'lo liNllANGFRED BUILr,NGS%S;TEs <br />- Proceed with local designations; develop an agaressivc pro-ram oi securiii, <br />dislricUlandinailc designations. <br />