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c. Rcsourcc Dcvclonm:nt Develop and secure Ilsca] and human resources io accoiupli~li <br />preserva(inn in'Texas_ <br />Projccts that fall in to the following czicgorics ~Nifl rcccivc high marl<s in the area of comI~atihi!itv th <br />ihe goals and objectives oCthe Texas HisYOrical Ciunmission: <br />a) Protects that broaden the_diversity of the preservation communiiv in Teaas. !\pPlicutions ior <br />projccts tliat cncourage culturally diverse preservation progrdms and projects are encou,aecd. <br />b) Scholarships or stipends to assist historicallv utlderrepresent td constituent m oul~s to aucud <br />hisioric presei~,ation cmiferences and worl<shops in Texas. Applications to cncrnn'ace cttl'urull%di\ ci,,(: s;roups to attcnd liistoric presei'~atiai corifercnccs or wor]<shops are cncOura.~C.1, <br />cl Communitv Visiquine_and„Plannine 1VorlcshOps: Conduct locxl vi;ioning ~N-orl<shu,i, to address <br />cuncnt and future preservation needs of tha community and produce Li vision statemcnt aud <br />action plan for preservaiion. ViSioning is a tool designed to Lring a communiiv toLcther to <br />dcvelop a sharcd vision of'the tuture, and in turn, ibrm a plan for achie%-ing ihat <br />:s a Ilexitilc proces; tL-at can be e3s:ly teilored to a commumty~s unique siluativn. A +ri'.ificd <br />cOm.5ultant can tal:e a commLmity through ih: process or tiie Texas Hislorical Commi,;,ion La; <br />ir.itiatcd a visioning program that can assist commuiuties v.°itli devcloping a prescn at10:1 ~itiion <br />and action plan. Por more infonnation on cisionina, c(imact Josh Lasscrre, Director nfV"isionaries in Preservation Progran, at >7 2;463- -i345. <br />d) Coaimuntty or couuty-wide strategic plai:ning cxcrcises for hisloric pre;ervation u~,inL, Li <br />qualifled facilitatosto aclneve realistic goals/objectivcs for local preservation are also <br />encaurLIged. <br />c) Stateuide PicscrvationAssessment: Yrcparc, publish or update community or cownt% <br />preservation plans. <br />i) Other projccts may be proposed that cn,_phasii,e przservation basics such as hi~toric rc;or,rcc <br />SUTA'CVS, N£1llOllal 1'~co151B1' IlOIIIII1aL10lls, h15101'1C S1TC aSSZi51llCT1LS, flICIlCOflOoV, 6!lI1LjCl:tRC~ <br />and travel reimbursement to'irain:ng worlc;hops, and conferences. liaccl <br />reiintiurscments \vill be made forin-state cducational training/Nti-orkshops only° and thei,~ i~ ,I <br />$2,000 cap on travel available per conunuuitp. <br />B. COOIt'JiNA"Ilf)NWITHRROnUGRLOCALPRESEi?VAl70N YROGKAM(0-2_5 p017715) 1'`OjCCC5%1ilI ~bc <br />revic%~cd for corndinationwith goals and oLjcctivcs ofa broadei pieseiva',ion program \%~ithin thc <br />coiTirnttnity. I.inl<a,qc witli multi-phased projects, ongoing rcvitalization eC1brL, zn, comniunin-XviJC <br />idcniification and desionation progr3ms will bc considered in this category. 'Tll- I0; <br />stimulating or promoting additional preserv,ition piojecis will also be considered. <br />