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6. Committee Reports <br />a. Organization — Jill Drake described the Six Squared fundraising event to be held on Sept 6 <br />to raise funds for downtown restrooms and promote community art projects. Mannequin <br />Nights are planned for October and possibly November. Battle of the bands with the grand <br />prize being playing on sat night of pumpkin festival is in the works. Jill Awtrey is working on <br />this project and Mr. Plata is interested in helping. <br />b. Design: Cheri reported that the downtown map has been printed and is in the editing stage. <br />Downtown businesses have until 7 -18 -14 to pay $35 to get their name on the map. <br />c. Promotions: Katie Raulston reported that Movies in the Park concessions has raised $1600 <br />and there are three movies to go. Kane mentioned that there is overlap in the committees <br />and, therefore, a need to keep our strategic plans up to date. <br />d. ER: no report <br />e. HPC: <br />f. Chamber: no report Cheri reminded us of the Tour de Paris Bike Rally on July 19. <br />7. Election of officers: Jerry Coyle made a motion to nominate Jill Drake as Board Chair and <br />second by Katie Raulston. Motion carried. Karie Raulston made a motion to nominate Jerry <br />Coyle as Vice -Chair second by Jill Drake. Motion carried. Jill Drake made a motion to <br />nominate Glee Emmite as Secretary and second by Missy Starnes. Motion carried. <br />8. Board members agreed to chair the committees, as follows: Org: Jill Drake; Promotion: <br />Karie Raulston; ER: Jerry Coyle; Design: will check with Nancy to see what she wants to do <br />9. Jill Drake mentioned that the meetings seem to repeat a lot of the same info — but that <br />keeping members up to date is important. She suggested that we carve put some time in the <br />meetings to work on items, rather than just hear reports. It was discussed that the new <br />board members get up to speed and then we discuss how the meetings might be more <br />effective. <br />10. Future agenda items: Charles Waldrum would like to address the Board about a proposed <br />change in the Fire Code to make it easier to rent /occupy the downtown buildings. Need to <br />work on the Fire 2016 letter and Missy Starnes suggested the time frame fits with TX Public <br />Schools Week in March and it would be a good fit w/ history and education. <br />Motion to adjourn at 5:25 pm., made by Karie Raulston, Second by Jerry Coyle. Motion carried. <br />Approved this day of August, 2014. <br />Jill 1p e, Board Chair <br />