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Wollack Testing Service <br />TESTING AGREEMENT <br />I. PurposeofAgreement <br />The purpose of tl�is Apreament is to mainfaln fhe sewAty of all Wollack Testing Service (WTS) testlng matarials and to provfde a <br />wnVactual basfs fw their or use. WTS' examinations must be used in accordance with the policies and procedures sat forlh In this <br />Agreement, as well as withfn the curtentTest Cafalogue which Is incorpo2ted by reference into this Agreement <br />II. Terms and Conditions <br />The tollowing tertns and conditlons pertain W the use of ail WTS testing materiais: <br />A. The IndlNdual who signs th(s Agreement accepts, an behalf of the Agenq, tha responslbflity of complytng with tha terms <br />and conditlons specifled herein, which are binding upon all employees of sueh Agency. <br />B.. No olfidal or employee of ihe Agency will loan, give, seii, show, or otharwlse make available any WiS les8ng matertal <br />to any person who is not an employae oF the f�ency. <br />C. Test materials obfained from WTS wfii be used only for the official purposes of the Ageney for for testlng wndidates for <br />promotlon. Under no dreumstances vAll WiS materlals be made available tor purposes of study, eopying, pho0ographing, <br />or other Tortn of reproductlon, or for publicaBon. All WfS testlng maferlats in the possession of the Agency wili ba handled <br />and stored In a manner that wlll pravent unauthoAzed persons from having access to them. <br />D. All V✓i5 examinatlons are trade secrets and are, theretora, not subject to public disdosure. <br />E. The above-referenced Test Catalogue specifies the pertod of notice requirad for ordeAng examinatlons. Should <br />expedited delivery ba required, bequse insufficfent nodce was given by Agenq in placing a test order, Uiis Agreement <br />authorizes WiS to ship all such test matarials by United Parcet Servfce Nexl-Day Air or Second-Day Air to ensure <br />delivery. l�ency fs responsible for all costs of such expedited dalivery. . <br />III. Payment <br />A Testlng costs are based upon the infortna8on provided by Agenq In the CeNficate of Test Usage and are calcutated in <br />a�ordance with the fee schedulas published within the artent Tast Catalogue. <br />8. Ali Invoices must be paid by ABency within 45 days of their data of Issuanca. <br />C. Within flve (5) days of the tesl adminfstratlon date, Aeency must submit to VY�S a eompteted CertlBcate of Test Usage <br />indicatlng Nie number of candidates tested. Such ceNfication may be transmitted� by fax or letter. <br />IV. Terminatlon of Agreement <br />WTS refalns the Aght to tertninate this Agreement and wltlihoid and recall all its test materiats N it betieves tlie tertns and condftlons <br />of this Agreement are being or have been violated. <br />V. Cancellation of Requast tor Servlees . <br />In the event that the Agency flnds it necessary to cancel a test ordar, the Agency shall pay ihe minlmum charges apedfied In tlie <br />curtent fee schedule for the examinatlon materfats that have been requested. This provision pertalns only W completed test orders In <br />which examinatlon materlals have already been preparad by WTS. <br />VI. LlmiWtions and Exeluslons . <br />Nothing contained in lhis Agraement nor in matertals provided by WTS shall ba Interprated as representlng or warrantlng, direetly <br />ar indirectly, fhat 1he validity or use of axamfnatlo�s provided by N/fS wfll be sustained 6y any court or govemmenfal agency, and the <br />Agency agrees that WfS shall in no way be responsibla for such litlgatlon a adminlstrative raview or Itabla kr U�a consequencas thereof. <br />EXHIBIT A, <br />