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Regular Council Meeting <br />August 25, 2014 <br />Page 10 <br />that the judiciary responsibility was with the person who spent the money. He also said the audit <br />report prepared by McClanahan and Holmes clearly states that expense accounts were not based <br />on the American Standards of Accounting and there was a problem. Council Member Plata said <br />he found discrepancies in the report and he would prefer to speak with Mr. Defenbaugh before <br />he made up his mind to send it to the Attorney General. He also said if they were not going to <br />meet with Mr. Defenbaugh, then he was going to vote to send it to the Attorney General. Mayor <br />Frierson said the invitation would be extended and asked the Council if they wanted to take <br />action on this item. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Hashmi and seconded by <br />Council Member Lancaster. <br />Mayor Frierson clarified the motion was to send the information to the Attorney General. <br />Council Member Plata inquired if that would be right away. Council Member Hashmi said he <br />could amend his motion to send it after meeting with Mr. Defenbaugh. Council Member Plata <br />said he would appreciate it. Council Member Hashmi amended his motion. Council Member <br />Pickle said he needed clarification in that if they listen to Defenbaugh and pass a motion to send <br />it to the AG, but Council Member Plata was satisfied after he talks to Defenbaugh and then <br />Council Member Pickle inquired if they weren't trying to approve to send it to the Attorney <br />General's office regardless. Council Member Hashmi said he was not sure what Council <br />Member Pickle meant. Council Member Pickle said the motion was sending it to the AG after <br />they meet with Defenbaugh regardless of how the meeting went. Council Member Hashmi said <br />his motion was to wait until they met with Defenbaugh and then decide. He said he needed a <br />second on his amended motion. Council Member Lancaster seconded the amended motion. <br />Mayor Frierson said were they saying send it based on a contingency when they did not know <br />what the outcome would be. Council Member Hashmi asked if there was something wrong in <br />making a motion based on contingency. City Attorney Kent McIlyar said he could wait until <br />they meet with Defenbaugh and then decide rather than making it contingent. Mr. McIlyar said <br />it was a little bit confusing. Mr. McIlyar asked if Council Member Hashmi wanted to hear from <br />Defenbaugh or did it depend on what Defenbaugh had to say. Council Member Hashmi said it <br />depended on what Defenbaugh told them. Mr. McIlyar said he would wait on the decision until <br />after they hear from Defenbaugh. <br />Council Member Hashmi withdrew his amended motion and made a motion to send the <br />information to the Attorney General's Office and the State Comptroller. Council Member <br />Lancaster seconded the motion. Motion failed, 3 ayes — 4 nays, with Mayor Frierson, Council <br />Member Grossnickle, Council Member Plata and Council Member Pickle casting the dissenting <br />votes. <br />19. Discuss and possibly act on construction of airport utilities. <br />Mr. Godwin gave an update stating in February the City Council hired an engineering <br />firm Neel- Shaffer to extend water and sewer lines to the airport itself and also to the general area <br />around the airport. In addition, he said they reviewed ways to try to get sewer service to the <br />Margraves Addition. He said there was relative low usage both of water and sewer in that area <br />and because there was so much flow both in a water line and a sewer line it just simply would <br />
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