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<br />Regular City Coullcil :--1L'e!lllg <br />May (¡, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley announced that the City Council would move to Agenda Item <br />No.3, Public Hearing to consider the petition of Cindy Gates for a change in <br />zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a Planned Development District, <br />Commercial Center (PD-a 1) on Lot 3, City Block 328, being located in the 3800 <br />Block of Loop 286 S.W. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley said he would entertain a motion to excuse Councilman Bell <br />from this item. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy, seconded by <br />Councilman Plata, to excuse Councilman Bell. The motion carried 6 ayes, 0 <br />nays, and Councilman Bell departed the council chambers. <br /> <br />^ motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McCarthy to bring Agenda Item No.3 <br />from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Guest and carried 6 <br />ayes, 0 nays. <br /> <br />Mayor Fendley declared the public hearing open on the petition of Cindy Gates <br />for a change in zoning from an Agricultural District (A) to a Planned <br />Development District, Commercial Center (PD-a 1) on Lot 3, City Block 328, <br />being located in the 3800 Block of Loop 286 S.W., and called for proponents to <br />appear. <br /> <br />Maritta Oglesby, came forward stating that she was the owner of the property on <br />Loop 286. She said there is no doubt that all of them have an emotion whether <br />or not this development is a go or not go. As the owner of the raw land, <br />obviously she desires to sell it. The adjaeent homeowners are concerned about <br />anything that could affect their homes and Cindy Gates wants to put a business <br />on this property. She said the Realtors@ are in the position to make <br />commissions. There are some f~lcts, not emotions, that they can't forget; <br />however, you as a City Council have an obligation and responsibility to 25,000 <br />people, not four. There are not but four homes within the 200 feet radius. A <br />piece of property on a state highway next to the Department of Transportation <br />will not likely be developed residential. Ms. Oglesby said neither the city nor <br />you as individuals or these four homeowners have contacted her about writing <br />