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Regular Council Meeting <br />September 8, 2014 <br />Page 10 <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by <br />Council Member Grossnickle. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />20. Discuss new policy options for assistance with downtown electric power lines and <br />possibly take action. <br />Mr. Godwin presented the City Council with a proposed program to assist downtown <br />property owners committed to making improvement to their downtown properties. He said staff <br />was suggesting a matching grant program that would make relocation of electric lines more <br />affordable. Council Member Hashmi favored the program but stated the stipulation that the <br />property had to be in the historic district should be removed. He also said he thought the grant <br />should be $2,500 and not $5,000 and that the grant should be limited to the property and not the <br />person, because a person may have several properties. Mayor Frierson said he thought the grant <br />should be in the amount of $5,000 because some of the projects were going to be large. <br />A Motion to approve this program was made subject to the provisions that the amount <br />would be $5,000, the stipulation that the property must be in the historical district be removed, <br />and the grant would be awarded for the property not a person. Council Member Plata seconded <br />the Motion. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />21. Consider and approve future events for City Council and /or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />Mr. Godwin reminded the City Council of the upcoming meeting with PEDC on <br />September 15 and the special session scheduled for September 18. Council Member Hashmi <br />inquired if Mr. Deffenbaugh was going to attend the joint meeting with PEDC and Mr. Godwin <br />said he was not. Council Member Hashmi said if Mr. Deffenbaugh was not coming to the <br />meeting that he was not going to be at the meeting. <br />22. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, a Motion to adjourn was made by Council Member <br />Pickle and was seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. The <br />meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. <br />�1 <br />MATT FRIERSON, MAYOR <br />NICE ELLIS, CITY CLERK <br />