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Airport Advisory Board <br /> April 15, 2004 <br /> Page 4 <br /> <br /> could help with locating hangars in appropriate areas. Chairman Abeles <br /> stated that this was going against what we had talked about previously. He <br /> wants Mr. Jones to contact the City directly so we can track what's going on. <br /> Lisa Wright stated she has not received anything and it might have gone to <br /> the wrong department. Mr. Fasken wondered if the City had a plan for placing <br /> hangars. Ms. Wright stated that Brad Osborne was going to take all hangar <br /> leases and plot them onto a map so that we could have a map showing all <br /> available locations. Ms. Wright asked to have Mr. Jones contact her to see if <br /> she can help. The Board stated they would like to see the plans, and Ms. <br /> Wright advised that this would be something that will take a while to put <br /> together. Chairman Abeles requested that Mr. Jones be advised to make a <br /> formal request, and Board members responded that they would have him do <br /> that immediately. <br /> <br /> The Board discussed the sweeper. It will sweep but it does not remove the <br /> debris. They requested that the City see if they repair the sweeper. Jim <br /> Collier stated that it's beyond repair; that's why we got it. Lisa Wright stated <br /> she could put in a request to Terry to either repair the sweeper or send crews <br /> out to sweep twice a week. <br /> <br />7. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M. <br /> <br /> Victor Abeles, Chairman <br /> <br />Lisa Wright, Recorder <br /> <br /> <br />