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Joint City Council /PEDC Meeting <br />September 15, 2014 <br />Page 11 <br />they go from here. Mr. Wilson said the D.A. could simply ask to be recused and bring in a <br />visiting D.A. Mr. Moore said that was a possibility. Council Member Plata stated that people <br />wanted more transparency and inquired what was the best thing they could do. Mr. Moore <br />reported the best way to handle this was to have written agreements and once executed, they <br />become public. He also said that the meetings were subject to the Open Meetings Act, and that <br />transparency helps. Council Member Lancaster questioned accountability and stated it looked <br />like they had lost a lot of money and no one was going to be responsible for it. Mr. Moore said <br />as they move forward, they tighten up the policies and that would address those issues. Council <br />Member Lancaster said she had a hard time moving forward past $35 million dollars, that was a <br />lot of money, and that she was not a rich person. Mayor Frierson reiterated that Mr. Moore <br />addressed the fact that they want success every time, but in the economic development arena you <br />bat one in a thousand. He said they need to tighten up the contracts, make sure the fallbacks are <br />built in and make sure performance appraisals are done, and make sure employees are being held <br />accountable for their actions. Mayor Frierson said outside of that, there were not many other <br />choices. <br />A Motion that the PEDC recommend to the City Council that no further action be taken <br />in this matter was made by Mr. Brockway. Mr. Wilson seconded the Motion and asked for <br />additional discussion. <br />Mr. Grubbs asked Mr. Brockway if he wanted to table that motion for the time being and <br />then come back to it. Mr. Brockway temporarily withdrew the Motion. <br />Council Member Grossnickle said this seems to be all about punishment, not <br />accountability. He also said it had been approved by the PEDC Board, and the City Council and <br />they spent $50,000, even though the list of improvements in financial oversight had been made <br />by Ms. Clifford and the rest of the Board. Council Member Grossnickle said there may have <br />been mistakes and problems with accountability, but they weren't necessarily illegal so they <br />should move forward as Mr. Moore suggested. He said he did not see any point in trying to <br />pursue legal action unless it was against the Algae Company, for example. He also said as far as <br />the money that's been spent by the PEDC for the past 20 years, they cannot get it back, it's gone <br />and if the citizens are for doing away with the PEDC that was their right. Council Member <br />Grossnickle said there was a big orchestrated campaign going on to make the citizens feel this <br />way, and if you look back at the people responsible they are the ones constantly on the radio, the <br />television, Channel 8 news, and they are the ones that hang around after Council meetings after <br />having a 4 'h hour meeting. Council Member Grossnickle said he thought if they spend any more <br />money, it should be towards recovering money that was recoverable. He also said the Incubator <br />was shut down, and he did not know how much money they had in their bank account, but if <br />there was money there they should try to get that back and return it to the PEDC. He said other <br />than that, he did not see much recourse at this point or punishment. Council Member Lancaster <br />said the main thing was to make sure these things did not continue. She referenced the Algae <br />Project and said they have a lot more money that the $100,000. She also said the citizens were <br />due the City's diligence, as they had invested in trying to improve the City's future. Council <br />Member Lancaster said she made no apologies about going on the radio, shaking hands, or trying <br />to get her point of view across, because she was backed up by fact. She said she would show <br />
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