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Regular Council Meeting <br />September 22, 2014 <br />Page 9 <br />Council Member Pickle inquired if they were going to send a copy of their discussions at <br />this meeting. Council Member Hashmi asked that the appraisal also be included and whatever <br />other information was available. <br />Council Member Plata amended his Motion to include any additional information that <br />any Council Member wanted to send with the report and seconded by Council Member Hashmi. <br />City Clerk Janice Ellis asked for clarification with regard to the final report if the Council <br />wanted the July or the August report sent, and that Council had mentioned a packet of <br />information received from Mr. Harper that contained the appraisal. Ms. Ellis said she did not <br />have any of that information and would need for a Council Member to provide it to her. Mayor <br />Frierson asked that Council be specific about what they wanted to be sent to the AG for review, <br />so there was not a last minute inclusion. He asked Council if they were referring to the <br />preliminary or the final. Council Member Hashmi inquired which preliminary report was being <br />referred to as they got one that was to be a final then learned it was a preliminary. Mayor <br />Frierson referenced the preliminary report as they one they received in the box July 28. Council <br />Member Hashmi suggested they send both reports in an effort to provide all possible <br />information. Council Member Grossnickle said he would like Will Biard's conflict disclosure <br />statement included. He also said he would like to include the Hayes letter or e -mail which stated <br />some matters were grossly misrepresented in the Defenbaugh report and Ms. Ellis asked that he <br />forward that to her. Mr. Godwin verified with the Council when they were referring to the <br />Council meetings minutes they wanted DVDs of those meetings sent, including the March 10, <br />2014 meeting. <br />Mayor Frierson said he had a Motion and a second with the inclusion of the additional <br />information. <br />Mayor Frierson said her understood the motivation to go to the AG, but that he hated the <br />concept of extending any sort of negativity or perception longer. He asked what was about a <br />reasonable expectation of receiving a response. Mr. McIlyar said if the AG did not feel like they <br />had jurisdiction they would probably kick it back pretty quickly. He said if they sent it to <br />another jurisdiction for review, it could take several months before the City hears anything. <br />Council Member Plata said if it is sent to the AG it shows that they want to bring this to closure <br />and this is what the people of Paris want to see right now. <br />Mayor Frierson called the Motion to a vote. Motion carried, 4 ayes — 2 nays and 1 <br />abstention, with Mayor Frierson and Council Member Grossnickle casting the dissenting votes <br />and Council Member Pickle abstaining from the vote. <br />24. Consider and approve future events for City Council and /or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />None were referenced. <br />