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Regular Council Meeting <br />November 10, 2014 <br />Page 4 <br />Napier answered that an application had been made by the owner to FEMA to change the maps. <br />Mr. Napier also said the City could not write a permit until FEMA approves the changes. He <br />also said this item was only to change the zoning which would allow the owner to then submit <br />plans including a water retention plan and that the City would require the plans to follow State <br />Law. <br />Mayor Frierson opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in <br />support or opposition of this item, to please come forward. Monte Moore, 1415 Boardwalk, said <br />he was in support of development but this drainage issued needed to be dealt with first. David <br />Williams, MTG Engineers, said Mr. Robinson did improve the ditch on his property several <br />years ago and spoke in support of this zoning change, citing the restaurant would be built <br />according to City and State Law. Alex Kozzell spoke in support of the zoning change, but said <br />there first needed to be a comprehensive water plan including retention ponds. Anna Spencer <br />said when she walks down Center Street, there is flowing water and ditches are full and higher <br />than the streets. She said the water way was changed on Mr. Robinson's property, that the <br />ditches needed to be cleaned and the drainage pipes were too small for the amount of water <br />going through them. With no one else speaking, Mayor Frierson closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Hashmi said he was for development but was concerned about not <br />having a plan and flooding of existing businesses. He said it was unfair to residents and the City <br />should clean the ditches. Council Member Pickle said this was the first step to start that process. <br />Mr. Godwin said these were two separate issues, one was zoning and the other was drainage and <br />suggested they not mix the two issues. He also said staff would come back to Council with a <br />plan and that would probably be in January. <br />A Motion to approve the zoning change was made by Council Member Pickle and <br />seconded by Mayor Frierson. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />13. Discuss and provide direction on employee salaries budgeted for 2014 -2015. <br />City Manager John Godwin explained funding for a portion of employees was budgeted, <br />and that new pay format included raises for full -time EMS staff effective the first pay period of <br />the new fiscal year. He said his budgeted proposal included creating a new step system for <br />firefighters like the one in place for the police officers, that it also included adding a new step for <br />police officers who had not been received raises in many years, and adding an eighth step for <br />non -civil service employees. Mr. Godwin said he would like to have given across -the board <br />raises and adjusted the entire pay system upwards, but there were not sufficient funds. He said <br />the management team discussed a number of scenarios as to how best to distribute the funds <br />available and as a group they came up with a plan. Mr. Godwin told the Council that the police <br />and fire chiefs cut funds out of their budgets to pay for employee raises in their departments. <br />Council Member Plata asked what would happen next year when they wanted to add items back <br />into their budget. Mr. Godwin said that any additions would have to be approved by him. <br />Council Member Plata said the list supplied to Council does not reflect that officers patrolling <br />will get raises. Mr. Godwin explained that a majority of employees got raises last year or this <br />year, but that the eighth step would be for those employees who had topped out of the pay plan. <br />