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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 8, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />Mary Ann Campbell, 2552 Clark Lane — she said she had a problem with a chicken house <br />located next to her business driveway. She said the chicken facility lacked the required 50 foot <br />designation required in the Code. She also said that Mr. Jed Irwin thought the narrow strip of <br />land belonged to him, but her Deed reflected that it belonged to the City. <br />Louise Moseley, 3915 Shannon Dr. — she referenced the changing of the citizen's forum <br />and said she would like an item on the agenda to address it. Mrs. Moseley also said Mr. Grubbs, <br />Mr. Wilson and Mr. Brockman voted to stop the Defenbaugh investigation, and they had a <br />conflict serving on PEDC because they were receiving abatements. She expressed appreciation <br />for Rebecca Clifford and said the PEDC should be eliminated, because it had been a legal way to <br />steal money. <br />Ray Banks, 3450 Robin Road — he spoke about item 24, in that he said if what they were <br />proposing was anything like what the city manager did in his last city, that it was unfair to tax the <br />citizens for a storm water utility. He said property taxes should have been increased so those <br />who were who had bigger income and larger residence could have paid accordingly instead of <br />charging those who were living on less income in a smaller residence. Mr. Banks also spoke <br />about item 25 and emphasized they need to be transparent in order to keep the citizens informed <br />about what they are doing with regard to the 2015 bond program. <br />Larry Schenk, 3765 Dawn Dr. — he said he had questions about item 22 and asked if he <br />would be allowed to speak when Council reached that item. Mayor Frierson answered in the <br />affirmative. <br />Jed Irwin, 442 S. Main — he said he was the owner of the chicken coup and that he had <br />moved the coup and that he had consulted with the City prior to anything he had done on the <br />property. <br />Laura Page, 508 S. Main — she said she was the closest neighbor to the chicken coups and <br />she had no problem with them. She also said that Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Campbell had made a lot <br />of improvements to their property. <br />Edwin Pickle — he announced Mayor Frierson's 40th birthday and presented him with a <br />birthday cake. <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Frierson inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. There being none, a Motion to approve the consent agenda was <br />made by Council Member Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, <br />7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve the minutes from the City Council meeting on November 10, 2014. <br />6. Receive reports and/or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />