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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />November 11, 2014 <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />the City. John Godwin doesn't want to be responsible for someone he doesn't have control over. <br />Don Wilson stated that we need to sit down as a Board and talka bout it. No action was taken on <br />this item. <br />Discuss and possibly take action on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between <br />Paris Junior College (PJC), Paris ISD (PISD) and the Paris EDC to reimburse PJC <br />WorkKeys testing fees for PISD High School Seniors, per the Program of Work. <br />Stephen Grubbs stated the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between Paris Junior <br />College (PJC), Paris hidependent School District (PISD) and the PEDC for reimbursement of <br />testing fees for 135 seniors at $28 per student. Dr. Pam Anglin stated that Paris Junior College <br />had paid $3,780 for the PISD seniors and the results go on the ACT National Database. Dr. Pam <br />Anglin stated the website will show how many students tested at a bronze, silver, gold, or <br />platinum level and they meet those basic skills which supports the Certified Work Ready <br />Communities initiative. Campbell's Soup uses KeyTrain which will supplement and enable to <br />increase the level a person needs to be for a certain job. Dr. Pam Anglin stated the test is for <br />basic reading, math, and locating information relative to industry; the importance of this test <br />needs to be publicized. Steve Keywood asked who pays the cost of the test? Dr. Pam Anglin <br />stated Hopkins EDC is paying for their seniors to take it. Seniors taking it in Texas is new. It <br />supports the HB -5 requirements. <br />Dr. Pam Anglin stated it is estimated to be a total of 500 seniors in Lamar County. Don Wilson <br />stated approximately $4,000 for PISD and$14,000 for all seniors in Lamar County. Shannon <br />Barrentine stated the first test PEDC will pay and at the end of the year if they want to test again <br />the student will pay. Dr. Pam Anglin stated if they aren't work ready it sends a message to the <br />school and the Board. Stephen Grubbs asked if we see it going past $14,000 and 500 seniors? <br />Dr. Pam Anglin replied no. Rebecca Clifford stated the schools should test at the junior level <br />and the senior level, because that would give them a year to get a better score. Shannon <br />Barrentine stated to start the spring of their junior year. John Brockman made a motion to <br />reimburse Paris Junior College for the PISD testing fee and the total amount not to exceed 500 <br />seniors or $14,000 for all Lamar County school districts moving forward; seconded by Don <br />Wilson. Motion Carried. 4 -0. <br />Discuss and possibly take action on having the Paris EDC website revised /updated. <br />Rebecca Clifford recommended to table this item and include it at the next meeting with the Plan <br />of Work discussion. <br />Discuss and possibly take action on participating in the Texas Workforce Commission <br />High Demand Job Training Program through Workforce Solutions of Northeast Texas <br />