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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 12, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Frierson inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. There being none, a Motion to approve the consent agenda was <br />made by Council Member Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, <br />7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve the minutes from the City Council meeting on December 8, 2014. <br />6. Receive reports and /or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />a. Paris Economic Development Corporation (11 -11 -2014) <br />b. Main Street Advisory Board (11 -18 -2014) <br />c. Paris Public Library Advisory Board (11 -19 -2014) <br />d. Planning and Zoning Commission (11 -3 -2014 & 12 -1 -2014) <br />7. Receive November monthly financial report. <br />8. Receive November drainage report. <br />9. Approve the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, Paris Church of Christ Addition 296, located at <br />3175 Lamar Avenue. <br />10. Approve the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, Paris Habitat Hearon Addition 142, located at <br />343 E. Hearon Street. <br />11. Approve the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, Campbell Soup Supply Company LLC, located <br />at 500 N.W. Loop 286. <br />12. Award the bid to Liberty National Bank to serve as the city's depository beginning March <br />1, 2015 and ending February 28, 2017. <br />13. Award the bid to Benton Rainey, Inc. d/b /a Blankinship Oil Company for furnishing and <br />delivery of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel for use by various city departments. <br />14. Approve Change Order #1 increasing the contract amount by $12,958.00 to Simwick, <br />LLC for the 2014 Downtown Sidewalk Improvements Project, TCF Contract No. 713272 <br />to include additional budgeted work. <br />Regular Agenda <br />15. Receive presentation from Sahil Prakash about Project Pedal On. <br />