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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 12, 2015 <br />Page 5 <br />A Motion to direct to city staff to bring back to the City Council an ordinance to include <br />the entire city in the residential abatement program was made by Council Member Hashmi and <br />seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 7 ayes - 0 nays. <br />19. Discuss and take action on changing the language of citizens' forum. <br />Council Member Hashmi said he placed this item on the agenda in response to Mrs. <br />Moseley's comments at a prior citizens' forum. He said he did not have a problem with <br />changing the language, but he thought if the agenda wording was going to be changed that the <br />Council should vote on it. Mayor Frierson asked if Council had to vote on something like that. <br />Mr. Godwin said the Council establishes the rule and if the Council doesn't have a rule, then the <br />moderator could change the rule or either the Council could vote on a rule. Mayor Frierson said <br />he changed the wording twice in an effort to make it more clear as to the purpose of a citizens' <br />forum, and to hold to the two minutes. Council Member Hashmi said if a citizen had a complaint <br />about something, he thought the right approach was to allow citizens to address it in the citizens' <br />forum with the entire Council instead of being told to address an issue with their individual <br />Council Member. Council Member Lancaster said she did not ever want to stop citizens from <br />talking. Council Member Pickle said he thought they should adopt a rule. <br />A Motion to adopt a policy approving the language currently written on the agendas <br />(Persons desiring to address the Council must limit their presentation to no more than two <br />minutes. Unless an item is posted on the Agenda, the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the <br />Council from responding to any comments other than to refer the matter to a future agenda, to an <br />existing policy, or to a staff person with specific factual information. Claims against the City, <br />Council Members, or employees, as well as individual personnel appeals are not appropriate for <br />citizens' forum.) was made by Council Member Pickle and seconded by Council Member Plata. <br />Motion carried, 7 ayes - 0 nays. <br />20. Receive presentation and discuss U.S. statistics on economic growth and job creation <br />over the last five years and the effect on Paris, Texas. <br />Council Member Hashmi presented statistics on economic growth and job creation citing <br />several sources, such as Forbes Magazine, Dow-Jones Industrial Average and Politics USA. <br />22. Discuss and act on a policy for creation of reinvestment zones within the City of Paris. <br />In follow-up to the December City Council meeting, Mr. Godwin said he created a policy <br />to provide consistent guidelines for creation of reinvestment zones. <br />A Motion to approve the policy as written was made by Council Member Grossnickle <br />and seconded by Council Member Plata. Motion carried, 7 ayes - 0 nays. <br />