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• Kellie Newman advised committee that Amy had given her a number of employees at <br />Public Works that would like to attend CPR training. She will talk to the training officers <br />during their meeting tomorrow and get back with Amy regarding scheduling of classes. <br />• Looked over and voted on all safety committee slogans submitted by City employees. <br />"Planning for a better & safer work place" was the winner. Todd Varner's slogan was the <br />winning slogan by majority vote. Todd elected not to accept the $50 gift card and to turn <br />it back in to the committee toward a door price for the next dinner banquet. <br />• Future agenda items: Discuss putting into place a policy for city employees' use of cell <br />phones. <br />Kellie Newman made motion to adjourn meeting. <br />Meeting adjourned at 4:06 pm. <br />-&A <br />Amy Samis <br />Safety Committee Secretary <br />