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MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE TO <br />REVIEW ORDINANCE TO REGULATE SEXUALLY <br />ORIENTED BUSINESSES <br />July 28, 1998 <br />The Committee to Review Ordinance to Regulate Sexually Oriented Businesses met <br />on Tuesday, July 28, 1998, at 4:32 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, <br />Paris, Texas. Chairman, Jerry L. Thomas, called the meeting to order with the <br />following members present: Councilwoman Mary Ann Fisher, Leon Williams, <br />Reverend Doug Miller, and Loren Stephens. Also present was City Manager Michael <br />E. Malone, City Attorney Scott P. Foster, Chief of Police Karl Louis, and City Clerk, <br />Mattie Cunningham. <br />Chairman Thomas called for discussion of the studies on the secondary effects of <br />sexually oriented businesses in the City of Paris. <br />City Attorney Foster advised that at the last meeting the committee received a <br />compendium of eight different studies compiled by Mr. Terrence S. Welch, Attorney, <br />in Dallas, Texas, and the Committee needs to discuss these studies. <br />City Attorney Foster directed the Committee's attention to the map drawn up by the <br />City Engineering Department, which basically is a zoning map that has been <br />enlarged. City Attorney Foster said that the blue area on the map shows areas that <br />are residential, churches, daycare centers, schools, nurseries, city parks, and <br />things of that nature. He said that the yellow line circled outside of the blue area is <br />the one thousand foot marker for those areas. City Attorney Foster advised that <br />most of the municipal type ordinances are set in at one thousand feet. City Attorney <br />Foster pointed out that more than 5% of the land is available after you go outside the <br />one thousand feet. City Attorney Foster said the residentially zoned area is easy to <br />determine, but you can also have a resident located within an agriculturally zoned <br />area that is not necessarily dedicated to residential use. He stated that the <br />Engineering Department has checked areas looking for houses and churches in <br />order to compile this map. City Attorney Foster said that this map is within 2% of <br />being complete. <br />Chairman Thomas asked if this type business is already established, does the <br />business have priority if a church builds next to them? City Attorney Foster advised <br />that recently a suit has been filed by a sexually oriented business to keep a church <br />from locating within the one thousand foot area. City Attorney Foster said if you do <br />not state the distance in the ordinance then they are going to measure door -to -door, <br />but if you are going to put it in the ordinance, and it is for a business you will <br />measure from the exterior wall, if it is for a residence you will measure from the <br />most distant item on the lot, or if it is a public park you will measure from the <br />boundary line. <br />