<br />December 6, 1994
<br />The Swimming Pool Committee met in special session, Tuesday, December
<br />6, 1994, at 4:00 P. M., City Council Chambers, City Hall, Paris,
<br />Texas. Chairman Eric Clifford called the meeting to order with the
<br />following members present: Charles Fulbright, Jean Campbell, Jim
<br />Chadwick, Aaron Jenkins, and Millie Ingram McDonald.
<br />Chairman Clifford announced that the meeting was called for the purpose
<br />of receiving information survey from municipalities with swimming pools.
<br />Chairman Clifford said that when Mayor Don Shelton appointed this
<br />committee, he asked Dick Boots to do a survey specifically of Mt.
<br />Pleasant, Mt. Vernon, Greenville, and any other like size community or
<br />geographically located community to similar size of the City of Paris,
<br />and this survey shows profit or loss, and of course, they all show a
<br />loss, or you could look at that as cost of service, but Mt. Vernon's
<br />cost is $3,200.00 a year, not counting the cost of the pool, up to
<br />$35,000.00 a year at Desota, and Greenville is $25,000.00, Mt. Pleasant
<br />is $5,600.00 a year cost, or loss on their pool.
<br />Chairman Clifford said that there has been a proposal made to exchange
<br />property out on the Loop for Spencer's Water Park on N. Main Street,
<br />and his feels is a community does better with a smaller pool rather
<br />than a larger pool, that he would much rather have a smaller pool that
<br />is over utilized than a large pool that is under - utilized so that we
<br />can not afford to operate it.
<br />Ms. Campbell advised the Committee that Spencers pool is very old and
<br />hard to maintain. The sides are cement and painting, and so with all
<br />the suntan oils you have, there is as black rim around the edge which
<br />means you have labor to get it off. The newer pools will be tile or
<br />steel. Ms. Campbell said this pool is 25 meters by 25 yards, the
<br />diving well is approximately 20 feet by 30 feet and 17 feet deep, there
<br />is a permanent crack in the bottom of the pool that can not be fixed,
<br />but you could crib it up and put a false bottom on it because it is 17
<br />feet deep, and it has a 3, and a 1 meter board on it, you could take
<br />out the 3 meter and cut your danger down. The pool house where the
<br />filter is old, but it does not mean it can not be used, but there is a
<br />lot of water to chlorinate. They did not always run the filter as much
<br />as it should have been run, when you run a public pool we want it to be
<br />well taken care of, and something that the City can be proud of. Ms.
<br />Campbell said that she was not sure with the amount of money the City
<br />would spend to operate it if it would be very cost efficient. Ms.
<br />Campbell thought it might be necessary to have two pool may be start
<br />with a small pool located in one place, and then if it is really
<br />successful then build another one which would allow kids to go to the
<br />pool on bicycles. Ms. Campbell advised that Mr. Spencer did not have
<br />his pool guarded enough, and as a City, we would want more guards than
<br />he had because of the liability aspect.
<br />Mr. Boots advised that he had estimated the proper amount of guards and
<br />staff would cost approximately $33,000.00 for 75 to 80 days of swimming
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