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Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />Business Plan - 2012 -2014 <br />a t <br />A <br />P R I <br />Additional Tools acrd Support <br />As a key part of this plan, the Board is requested to approve two additional tools and an extension of <br />Richard Seline's contract. <br />Data Analysis Tools <br />Richard Seline 6 -Month Contract Extension for <br />Phase 2 Implementation <br />L Research 360° Analyst (National) & EMSI Economic <br />1. Identify and Cultivate Phase 2 Funding Opportunities. <br />Forecaster and Economic Impact (10 County Region). <br />2. Facilitate 2 Board and Civic Leadership Retreats. <br />2. Annual License Fee: $15,995. <br />3. Develop Sales Pitch, Marketing Materials and Briefing <br />3. We will redirect spending of $5,422 to support the cost of <br />Package for Global Brand Company Meetings. <br />this license: <br />4. Develop Design and Content Outlines for Launch of <br />a. NE Texas Economic Alliance Membership ($3,000) <br />ParisTexasUSA Website Portal. <br />b. Sites On Texas License Tool ($1,622) <br />5. Convene and Launch Rural Innovation Strategy Meetings <br />c. Synchronist Database Tool ($800) <br />with UT Dallas, other Universities, State and Federal <br />4. Net Operating Cost Increase: 110,575 ($881 /month <br />Departments and Agencies, Scientist and Researchers to <br />annually; $7,930 in current FY) <br />Form Rural Innovation Council. <br />4. <br />6. Identify, Facilitate, Plan and Organize Initial Best <br />Project Components. <br />Practice Conference Calls and Site Visits for Working <br />— Identify every city in the nation that looks like Paris <br />Teams and Key Civic Leaders. <br />Term: December 2011 —May 2012 <br />6. Develop and Recommend Policies, Programs, Support <br />Fees: $60,000 plus Reasonable Expenses, capped at <br />— Identify peer city retail and commercial footprints. <br />$10,000. <br />5. <br />On -Site Visits: Minimum of 4 trips to Texas during Phase 2. <br />13 <br />Data Analysis Tools Uses for Paris EDC <br />Richard Seline Deliverables: Phase 1 <br />Research 360° Analyst (National) & <br />1. Form Project Advisory Teams of Community Leaders and <br />FMSI Economic Forecaster and Economic Impact (10 <br />Stakeholders. <br />1 Convene, Engage and Facilitate Group and One -on -One <br />County Region) <br />1. <br />Standardized reports for new marketing materials. <br />Meetings. <br />2. <br />Interface all data with existing website for real -time data. <br />3. Gather and Analyze Quantitative, Qualitative and <br />3. <br />Most up -to -date, current demographic data in the market <br />Anecdotal Data and Facts. <br />place. <br />4. Conduct Benchmarking and Best Practices for Key <br />4. <br />National data sets for peer and competitor analysis. <br />Project Components. <br />— Identify every city in the nation that looks like Paris <br />5. Assess our Competition. <br />statistically and compare mix of business and industry. <br />6. Develop and Recommend Policies, Programs, Support <br />— Identify peer city retail and commercial footprints. <br />and Investments for Immediate, Near and Long -Term <br />5. <br />Federal funding data for past 7 years based on peers & <br />Actions. <br />competitors. <br />7. Conduct On -Site Presentations of Findings and <br />6. <br />Nationwide Dunn & Bradstreet data for: <br />Recommendations During all Phases of the Process. <br />- "Targeting prospects. <br />8. Access to and Advocacy on Our Behalf to National and <br />— Existing business intelligence. <br />State Network and Relationships. <br />— Identifying supplier and customer networks. <br />9• Introduce Paris, Texas to National Audience of Thought <br />7. <br />— Asset mapping. <br />Employment, occupation and wage data (10 year history, <br />Leaders. <br />I0.1dentify and Open Doors to State, Federal and Private <br />current year, 10 -year projection, including nationwide <br />Funding Sources. <br />l Udentify Specific Industry Targets and Prospects for Trade <br />8. <br />quarterly employment and wage data. <br />Input/output model for economic impact analysis and <br />Missions, Relationship Building and Recruiting. <br />cost/benefit. <br />12.Create a Framework for Community Buy -In and Support <br />1. New job wage impact on retail sales, resulting in sales <br />for PEDC and Economic Development. <br />13.Produce Marketing Content Based on Our Assets. <br />tax revenue gains. <br />2. Industry output and industry cluster analysis. <br />Expenses Through November 2011: $75,000 plus Expenses. <br />13 <br />