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MINUTES OF THE OFFSTREET PARKING REQUIREMENT DUST FREE <br />SURFACING COMMITTEE MEETING <br />April 25, 1991 <br />The Offstreet Parking Requirements Dust Free Surfacing Committee met in <br />special session, Thursday, April 25, 1991, 3:00 P. M., Council <br />Chambers, City Hall, Paris, Texas. Chairman, George Fisher, Jr. called <br />the meeting to order with the following members present: Councilman <br />Billy Joe Burnett, and Councilman E. W. (Bill) Booth. Also present was <br />City Manager, Michael E. Malone, City Attorney, T. K. Haynes, Director <br />of Community Development, and City Clerk, Mattie Cunningham. <br />Chairman Fisher announced the purpose of the meeting was discussion of <br />Zoning Ordinance No. 89 -030 relating to offstreet parking requirements <br />dust free surfacing. <br />Chairman Fisher asked if there was anyone in the audience who wish to <br />speak regarding this matter. <br />Jerry Sansom, Sansom's Truck Parts, 3425 N. Main, came forward telling <br />the Committee he was against the ordinance because of the cost factor. <br />Mr. Sansom told the Committee his frontage at his business was 361 <br />foot, and to pave that area would be astronomical. Mr. Sansom said if <br />he paved his parking lot with asphalt, it would not help because he <br />deals with large trucks, and they would have it torn up within a week. <br />Mr. Sansom said the only way he could pave the parking lot was to use <br />concrete, and the cost he just could not bear. <br />Bubba Coston representing Coston & Son Concrete Company, was present <br />and wanted to know if the City would have to pave their parking lots. <br />Chairman Fisher advised Mr. Coston that the City would also have to <br />pave city parking areas. <br />Mr. Coston told the Committee that his business was located on E. Oak <br />Ave, and it is one of the dustiest street in the City, and wanted to <br />know if the City could do something about dusty streets. <br />Councilman Booth told Mr. Coston that this ordinance did not pertain to <br />streets, only offstreet parking of all businesses that are in existence <br />and would also include future construction. <br />City Attorney Haynes advised Mr. Coston of the City's Street Assessment <br />Program. <br />City Manager Malone told the Committee that the Texas Air Control Board <br />regulations does not apply to the City of Paris and Lamar County they <br />are used as a guideline at this time, but there were a number of <br />complaints back in this time period from citizens, such as feed mills <br />and paint shops, so when the ordinance was put together for the new <br />construction, the matter was discussed whether or not to let everyone <br />come into compliance with the standard, and it was the Council's <br />decision at that time to require everyone to comply with the dust free <br />surfacing. <br />