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Minutes <br />Main Street Advisory Board <br />A meeting of the Paris Main Street Advisory Board, held on July 8, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the City <br />Hall Council Chambers. <br />Present: <br />Absent: <br />Dr. William Hayden Linda Suarez <br />Ann Wyche <br />Terry Townsend <br />Bill Payne <br />Dwight Chaney <br />Karen Wilkerson <br />Suzy Harper Pat Taylor <br />David House Scott McDowell <br />The meeting was called to order by Terry Townsend Discussion was then held regarding the review <br />and approval of bylaws for the Main Street Advisory Board. Since the advisory board is selected <br />by the city council, the decision was made to follow the councils own bylaws or recommendations <br />for such boards. However, bylaws were discussed and approved for sub - committees selected by the <br />Main Street Advisory Board. These bylaws were few but included the fact that each committee <br />must meet on a quarterly bases. <br />The low interest loan criteria was discussed. Terry Townsend agreed to do research on other such <br />programs and how they introduced it to the potential property owners. The financial institutions in <br />Paris have agreed to offer a $350,000 loan pool. Terry will put an advertisement package together <br />for this loan pool, as well as a pre- application packet that goes to interested owners. <br />Continuous publicity for the program was brought to the table by Linda Suarez. Suggesting a <br />regular column in the Paris News. This column could include reinvestment figures, loan criteria, <br />committee contacts, a map of the historical district and upcoming projects. <br />Linda Suarez also suggested strategic planning for the Main Street Project Board and sub committee. <br />She suggested the City Manager and Mayor should participate in this planning since it would <br />influence the long range plan for the city. Terry Townsend explained to the board that the City of <br />Paris was already involved in the development of a new Master Plan. <br />We adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. <br />