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Minority Recruitment Committee Meeting <br />August 7, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />Chief or Fire Chief, and from there they are interviewed by a committee <br />at the Fire Department or the Police Department, which is composed <br />of your Deputy Chiefs in the Fire Department and three Lieutenants in <br />the Police Department. <br />Mr. Haynes advised the Committee that the legislature has recently <br />passed a law that will allow the City to give an entrance examination at <br />another location, for example, away from Paris at the same time they <br />are giving the one here in Paris, so we could go to a college, or another <br />location and give the same examination. This law is going to be <br />effective September 1, 1999. <br />Mr. Haynes explained that before the entrance exam, letters are sent <br />out in the minority community, to ministers, churches, citizens, and <br />predominately minority colleges in the effort to recruit minorities to <br />take the entrance exam. Advertisements are place in the Black <br />Employment Journal, and advertisement is placed in the Paris News, <br />on the radio stations, and on our cable TV. Mr. Haynes said they <br />encourage minority Council Members to help in recruiting these <br />candidates. Mr. Haynes said they go to high schools and speak to <br />Criminal Justice classes. They have gone to career day at local <br />schools giving talks about careers in the fire and police service. Mr. <br />Haynes told the Committee that the last fire test was given in December <br />of 1998, and these tests are normally good for one year. There were <br />101 people to take the test. When they signed up to take the test, study <br />guides were passed out and three tutoring classes were held. One of <br />those classes was held at the NAACP office. Mr. Haynes pointed out <br />that only one black applicant took the test. <br />Mr. Webb felt that one of the problems is money, because it is hard to <br />convince a young person to stay in Paris. They can go to the Dallas <br />area and make anywhere from 10 to 15 thousand dollars more a year. <br />Mr. Webb said they were having the same problem at Paris Jr. College. <br />Paris Jr. College has started a program "Grow Your Own ", because <br />they had a problem hiring minorities. Mr. Webb said they give <br />scholarship money in hopes that the students would come back, but <br />there is no guarantee of that. <br />