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Outside storage in the Main Street Area of the CA district <br />Chairman Wilson asked if there were any changes. There were none. A Motion to approve <br />the proposed changes in Draft #4 was made by Bee Gannon and seconded by Pete Kampfer. <br />Subsequently, there was additional discussion and the following changes were made: <br />A new number (2) was added to read: "It shall be unlawful for any person to allow, permit, <br />conduct, or maintain any prohibited outside storage as defined herein." <br />Number (2) will become number (3) and read as follows: "No item may be stored outside in <br />the front, side or rear yards of any property in the Main Street area." <br />Lisa Wright said she would add wording to make sure the City was not prohibiting dumpsters <br />or approved trash receptacles in appropriate locations. <br />Bee Gannon amended her Motion to approve the above changes and Pete Kampfer and Will <br />Biard seconded the Motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />4. Discussion of and possible action on recommending provisions regarding demolition by <br />neglect and /or the possible adoption of the International Maintenance Code. <br />The Task Force did not reach this item. <br />5. Receipt of report from the Code Enforcement Education Committee. <br />The Task Force did not reach this item. <br />6. Request items for future agendas. <br />Chairman Wilson scheduled the next meeting for Tuesday, December 11, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. <br />7. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 1 IT' DAY OF DECEMBER, 2007. <br />bon Wilson, <br />