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2. Approval of minutes from previous meetings (November 27, 2007). <br />Chairman Wilson asked if there were any corrections. Will Biard asked if Pete Kampfer <br />was at the last meeting, and Pete stated he was. Will said Pete Kampfer needed to be added to <br />the present list on the minutes. A Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Pete <br />Kampfer, seconded by Bee Gannon. Motion carried unanimously. <br />3. Discussion of and possible action on recommending provisions regarding demolition by <br />neglect and /or the possible adoption of the International Property Maintenance Code. <br />Chairman Wilson explained the history of the reasons for looking into making provisions <br />regarding demolition by neglect and the possible adoption of the International Property <br />Maintenance Code. He said that people are letting their property deteriorate and, if we could <br />enforce maintenance of properties, we could prevent this deterioration from happening. <br />A. Slide show of buildings which are neglected. <br />Lisa Wright presented a slide show of several properties throughout Paris that were deteriorating, <br />and she provided samples of what some other cities were adopting to address this issue. <br />B. A discussion of the International Property Maintenance code and demolition by <br />neglect. <br />Lisa Wright advised the Task Force that the Historic Preservation Commission was <br />recommending the adoption of the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) applicable <br />only to the historic districts, and she was not recommending that it be applied City -wide. She <br />stated that she had several revisions she would recommend as the Task Force went through the <br />Code. It was the consensus of the Task Force that the IPMC covered too much, and it might be <br />too difficult to get the public to buy into right now. <br />Arvin Starrett stated that the issue in the historic districts was not so much that people with <br />limited resources could not afford to maintain their properties. He said that most of the issues in <br />the districts are properties held by people of means who simply do not want to repair their <br />properties. He stated that the Historic Preservation Commission had recommended that the <br />IPMC be reviewed by the City Attorney and staff to make local amendments that would make <br />more sense in Paris. Lisa Wright advised that staff has done that. <br />Chairman Wilson asked the Task Force how far they wanted to go to address this matter and how <br />much time it wanted to devote to it. The consensus was that the IPMC was too much at this <br />time. Cheryt Moore asked Lisa Wright what the City needed right now to help address this <br />issue, and Lisa Wright stated that the City needed something to bridge the gap. She stated that <br />the City could currently cite someone who had a hole in the roof, but could not cite someone <br />whose roofing tiles were beginning to slough off, but this is the point at which the deterioration <br />is starting to take place. She added that many cities required residents to protect the outside <br />finishes of their properties using paint, sealant, or other methods, because unprotected wood or <br />other surfaces will lead to deterioration. Once the deterioration starts, it could be too late. <br />